Chapter 2608 Bad his good deeds (3)

"This is not the way to school, where are you taking me?" Lou Qin remembered Shi Zuizui's warning to himself.

"The road to the school is under construction, and it's very blocked, so go this way." The frontier made up an excuse casually, trying to keep Lou Qin steady.

Lou Qin said coldly: "I just went to pick up Xiao Tiantian from school yesterday, and there is no road repair at all. Frontier, what do you want to do?!"

Seeing that Lou Qin saw through it, Frontier no longer concealed it: "I just want to find a quieter place to have a good chat with you."

His purpose is to cook cooked rice with Lou Qin raw rice, before Zheng Yong, and make Lou Qin his own woman.

He knew that although Zheng Yong and Lou Qin were married, they were just a fake couple, not a real couple.That being the case, why can't he seize the opportunity?

Lou Qin is a very conservative girl, if she has a further relationship with him, she will definitely divorce Zheng Yong and fall into his arms.

"I want to get out of the car!" Lou Qin shouted coldly.

"It doesn't take too long. Xiaoqin, I have a lot of misunderstandings with you. After these misunderstandings are resolved, you will know that I have never let you go..."

Lou Qin felt incredible.

Why do some people interpret shamelessness so vividly?

The blame is only on myself, Shi Zuizui warned her more than once, but she ignored it and dared to get into the traffic jam, she deserved this disaster.

Now she can only think of a way to save herself, or stabilize the frontier first, or delay time.

Not long after, Bian Sai took Lou Qin to his villa in the suburbs.

Even Zeng Ni has never been to this villa, he has already calculated everything, this is the best place to develop a relationship with Lou Qin, and no one disturbs.

In addition, he didn't have much time, so he had to make good use of it.

He couldn't hide his joy when he arrived at the villa.

Lou Qin, on the other hand, was extremely anxious. She knew that as long as she entered this villa, it would be difficult to get out of her body.

Both of them are pregnant.

At this moment, a car suddenly drove up, and when the frontier was about to enter the villa, that car blocked the frontier's car.

The frontier thought that someone had caused the accident, so he rolled down the car window and looked at the other party, "Do you have eyes?"

A heroic woman got out of that car, she was Xiaodong.

Without saying a word, Xiaodong forcibly opened the car door.

Lou Qin met Xiaodong, and she was both surprised and happy when she saw her, she quickly jumped out of the car: "It was Zui Zui who asked you to save me, right?"

The frontier fortress didn't know the situation at first, but this time when he heard Shi Zuizui's name, he instantly understood what was going on.

His heart was half cold, dare Shi Zuizui keep sending people to watch his every move? '

"The owner of the museum knows that the frontier fortress has bad intentions for you, and asked me to protect your safety. Now it proves that the owner's decision is correct. From now on, Ms. Lou must use her eyes to recognize people, and don't just get into the car of thieves." Xiaodong said coldly. road.

If it wasn't for fear of something uncontrollable, she would let Lou Qin enter the villa and come to save others.

But Lou Qin's personal safety is the most important thing, so she stopped the frontier car in time, and she wanted to make sure Lou Qin was not harmed.

The frontier was so reconciled that the fat in his mouth flew away. He wanted to stop Lou Qin, but Xiaodong stood in front of Lou Qin.

Bian Sai didn't expect Xiao Dong to be so rampant, he fell to the ground and watched Lou Qin being taken away.

Originally thought that his plan was foolproof, but in the end he got drunk and spoiled his good deed.

Damn Shi Zuizui!

(End of this chapter)

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