Chapter 2609 Bad his good deeds (4)

After getting rid of the frontier fortress, Lou Qin still had lingering fears.

It took her a while to think of Xiao Tiantian, and she hurriedly said to Xiaodong: "Xiao Tiantian was injured in a fight at school, let's go to school now to see what's going on."

"Well, I'll call the school first." Xiaodong said with reservations.

Britney was injured in a fight probably planned by the frontier.

She called the school, and the school said that Britney was fine, she hadn't caused trouble or fought, and of course she couldn't have been injured for no reason.

Therefore, the incident of Xiao Tiantian's injury was also fabricated by the frontier fortress in order to lure Lou Qin out of Wenzhai.

After Lou Qin learned of this, he wished he could beat himself to death.

It never occurred to her that the frontier fortress would make a fuss about his lovely child in order to deal with her.

Fortunately, Shi Zuizui was protecting her this time, otherwise she would definitely not be able to escape this catastrophe.

After receiving Xiaodong's call, Shi Zuizui rushed back to Wen's house as quickly as possible.

As soon as Lou Qin saw her, he salivated with a smile on his face, and rushed over: "Dear, it's lucky to have you today, you are my savior!"

"It's a shame to have a smiley face! The frontier fortress didn't take advantage of you, did it?" Shi Zuizui asked worriedly.

"Xiaodong came just in time, and I didn't get hurt at all. Zui Zui, I should listen to you, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Lou Qin said calmly.

Xiaodong is Shi Zuizui's personal bodyguard, but such an important person arranges to protect her in the dark, so Shi Zuizui has this kind of heart.

"It will take this catastrophe before you can see the true face of this frontier man. It's a pity that no evidence of his crime was caught today, and he will definitely find another chance to deal with you in the future. You have to be careful."

What worries Shi Zuizui the most is that it will be more difficult to fight against frontier fortresses today.

"I see. From now on, I will try not to be a writer alone. I will definitely go out, and I will find a companion." Lou Qin responded hastily.

After that, Shi Zuizui reported the matter to Zheng Yong.

Zheng Yong rest assured that Lou Qin will be placed in Wen's family and focus on developing his own career, of course he also trusts her.

Of course she had to report to Zheng Yong when such a big incident happened.

After Zheng Yong finished listening, he sneered and said, "One day, I will make the frontier pay the price!"

This frontier fortress is not only ambitious, but also arrogant. The last thing he should do is think about his wife.

If such people are not eradicated, will they still be kept for the New Year?
"It's safe for her to live in my house at present, and I will continue to send people to protect her in the future. The most important thing for you right now is to break out from the encirclement of Zheng's family. When your career is stable, the responsibility of protecting Xiaoqin will be given to you." Shi Zuizui spoke earnestly and authentically.

"Thank you Zuizui. I will remember your kindness to me forever. In the future when you quarrel with Lu Sui, I will definitely stand by your side." Zheng Yong said solemnly.

Shi Zuizui couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words.

As Lu Sui's best friend, Zheng Yong was probably really grateful to her for saying this.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

For a while, everything was quiet.

Shi Shi didn't move, Shi Ran didn't move either, and Shanhe Group was also very calm, just because it was so calm, it looked very strange.

Her idea is to let nature take its course, if it comes, it will come sooner or later, she is never afraid of trouble.

After another week, a news suddenly came out that Hong Jiantang, chairman of Hongkang Group, was critically ill.

After Shi Zuizui heard the news, the first thing he thought of was whether he was setting off a smoke bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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