Chapter 2610 Sudden death (1)

Unexpectedly, two days later, bad news suddenly came out, and Hong Jiantang died of a serious illness suddenly.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country was shocked.

Shi Zuizui did not expect things to change like this.

The last time I saw Hong Jiantang at the Hong family's family banquet, Hong Jiantang was still healthy and full of vitality, how could he have died in such a short period of time?

Even if he had cancer, it was impossible to die in such a short period of time, right?
Now that medicine is very advanced, the most severe cancer can be delayed for several months, which is too outrageous.

The first thing she thought of was that Hong Jiantang was framed by someone, and the person who killed Hong Jiantang was probably Hong Jiantang's pillow man Shi Ran.

The news of Hong Jiantang's sudden death was first reflected in the secondary market of Hongkang Industry.As soon as the obituary came out, the stock price fell.

Although Hong Jiantang is a romantic man, he is very courageous in business, otherwise Hongkang Industry would not have become one of the famous big companies in the country.

Now that there is no leader in the group, the employees of Hongkang Industrial are naturally not sure.

Shi Zuizui's immediate reaction was to go to see Hong Jiantang for the last time, and he had to bring the forensic doctor with him.

Of course, she was just doing her best.Because she felt that if there was something wrong with Hong Jiantang's death, no evidence would be left for her to find out.

As long as Hong Jiantang's body has disappeared, then Hong Jiantang's death must be related to Shi Ran.

When she arrived at the funeral home, the staff told her that Hong Jiantang had been cremated yesterday and Shi Ran took away the ashes.

When Shi Zuizui heard the news, he became more determined in his mind.

She knew that it was impossible for Hong Jiantang to leave the whole body behind.And it was cremated yesterday, and Hong Jiantang's ashes must have been disposed of now.

This is what happened to Hong Jiantang marrying a femme fatale.

Hong Jiantang was a romantic life, but in the end he regretted being in the hands of a woman.

When Shi Ran attacked Hong Jiantang, the target must be Hongkang Industrial.

Wen Tingting was unable to contact Yang Jian for the first time since he knew Yang Jian.

She didn't know what happened. Two days ago, Yang Jian suddenly disappeared and couldn't be contacted.

No one answered his cell phone, and no one lived in his residence.Because she was afraid that something would happen to him, she simply went to find Yang Fan.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan was not at home, she waited there for four hours, and seeing that Yang Fan hadn't come back, she finally confirmed one thing, Yang Jian lost contact.

She went home sullenly.

Seeing Wen Tingting's sick appearance, Shi Zuizui asked her what happened.

Worried about Yang Jian's safety, Wen Tingting told Shi Zuizui about Yang Jian's disappearance.

After Shi Zuizui finished listening, he comforted Wen Tingting and said: "There is an accident at his house, you don't need to worry, he will come back after he finishes dealing with it."

Wen Tingting was puzzled when he heard this: "How do you know something happened to his family? Is something wrong with his mother?"

Because she looked for Yang Fan, but she didn't see anyone.

"It's... not his mother's accident."

Wen Tingting's eyes fixed on Shi Zuizui's words: "How do you know so clearly?"

Those who didn't know thought Shi Zuizui was Yang Jian's girlfriend.

"You and Yang Jian are not cheating on me, are you?" Wen Tingting looked Shi Zuizui up and down.

Shi Zuizui kicked her when she heard the words: "I only have eyes for Lu Sui among the men in this world, don't worry, Yang Jian is not my type."

"You are not Yang Jian's type. Seriously, how do you know more than me? By the way, have you investigated him?" Wen Tingting felt that this possibility was very high.

(End of this chapter)

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