Chapter 2611 Sudden death (2)

Is Shi Zuizui guilty of an occupational disease, or is he afraid that she will be cheated by Yang Jian, so he checked Yang Jian's past?
"I just checked it casually. Anyway, he is a good man. As for the rest, let him tell you by himself." After Shi Zuizui finished speaking, he changed the subject.

Wen Tingting knew that she was deliberately avoiding her, so he didn't expose her.

As long as Yang Jian is fine and fine, she can rest assured.

Three days later, Yang Jianping, who had disappeared for several days, reappeared in front of Wen Tingting safely.

Before Wen Tingting knew what was going on, he was hugged into his arms.

Yang Jian has always been a very reserved person. He never took the initiative to hug her. If she didn't know his feelings for her, she would have thought that this man didn't like him at all.

"Are you tired?" Wen Tingting patted Yang Jian on the back.

Yang Jian was surprised that Wen Tingting's reaction was so calm. After all, he had disappeared for five days and hadn't contacted her during that time. He was worried that she might be angry.

"Shi Zuizui told me that something happened to your family, so don't worry. Although I can't help you, I will stay here and not go anywhere. You can find me as soon as you turn around." Seems to know his confusion , Wen Tingting took the initiative to explain.

When Yang Jian heard Shi Zuizui's name, he probably knew that Shi Zuizui was a capable woman.It shouldn't be difficult for Shi Zuizui to find out his background.

"This time, I'm really going to the funeral. Because I don't know how to tell you about many things, so I didn't discuss with you." Yang Jian said hoarsely.

"It's okay, as long as you're safe. I don't know what to say now, so let me know later." She wanted to ask him if someone of his died and he was going to the funeral.

But he also said that he didn't know how to speak, maybe it was just that the time had not come.

"I'll be very busy recently, and I..." Yang Jian looked at Wen Tingting, unable to say anything.

Wen Tingting laughed: "Tell me, is there anything you can't say in front of me?"

Yang Jian hesitated for a while before saying, "I will resign."

Wen Tingting thought that he was going to ask for leave or was busy with other things, but never expected that he would resign.

And what he said is that he will resign, which is already made up his mind.

She was so stuck in her throat that she couldn't even utter the words to persuade her to stay, but she didn't want him to resign in her heart.

Yang Jian went on to say: "I will be very busy in the future, and I will not be able to go to work normally. Although I have left the company, I have already found a very good assistant for you, who can also help you..."

"It's you that I can't bear to part with." Wen Tingting blurted out, his eyes turned red for a moment.

Yang Jian never thought that Wen Tingting would say such a thing. In his memory, she has always been a tough person.Even if her marriage hit the rocks, she seldom showed weakness in front of him.

While he was happy, he was also very sad.

"I just quit my job as an assistant. Apart from working hours, I will spend a lot of time with you in the future. I will never leave you in my life, really!" Yang Jian is a person who rarely promises.

One is that there is no such thing, and the other is that there is no such person.

This time he also struggled for a long time before making such a decision.

If you want to be worthy of Wen Tingting, you have to make a trade-off.He resigned because he wanted to be a better match with Wen Tingting in the future.

Wen Tingting looked into Yang Jian's eyes, the sincerity there could not deceive anyone.

She remembered that Shi Zuizui had said that Yang Jian was not in the pool and would leave one day.She had already been mentally prepared, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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