Chapter 2637 From husband and wife to strangers (4)

Wen Tingting responded in a rambling voice.

In fact, she couldn't understand why Ding Lun could be justifiably angry every time.All along, he was the one who cheated, and he was the one who wanted a divorce.

She fulfilled him and Chen Xiaoyu, shouldn't he be grateful?
People like Ding Lun who don't know good from bad are rare in the world.

Ding Lun was so angry that he slammed the door and left.

The staff outside heard the sound of the door closing heavily, followed the sound, and saw Ding Lun come out angrily, and then disappeared angrily.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

But, Wen Tingting is indeed very powerful, he should give a scumbag like Ding Lun some color.

Wen Tingting is still very personable, if it were any other woman, she would probably have already picked up the guy and chased him away, right?
Seeing Ding Lun coming and going, the assistant hesitated whether to call Yang Jian.

One is because Wen Tingting pretended to be on a business trip, and the other is that Yang Jian had confessed that if Ding Lun came to cause trouble, he must call and report.

In the current situation, she still decided to communicate with Yang Jian.

After Yang Jian received the call, he rushed to the City Transport Group as quickly as possible.

This time he came uninvited, Wen Tingting couldn't react in time, and was caught by Yang Jian.

"Didn't you say that you are going on a business trip, and the return date is uncertain?" Yang Jian said sharply.

He is basically a very gentle person, and he is also very self-cultivated. This time, Wen Tingting was overwhelmed by anger, so his attitude was a bit harsh.

Wen Tingting knew she was in the wrong, she said with a sneer, "Isn't it because you are too busy to delay your business? By the way, why are you back?"

Yang Jian didn't tell the truth, but said: "Just now I saw Ding Lun below, is he here to trouble you again?"

The assistant is the eyeliner he put beside Wen Tingting, and Wen Tingting can't let Wen Tingting know about it for the time being.

"It's been so long, and he still hasn't left?" Wen Tingting was a little surprised.

"Why did he come to you?" What Yang Jian wanted to ask the most was why Wen Tingting pretended to be on a business trip and deliberately avoided herself.

He thought that his relationship with Wen Tingting was very stable, and he even thought that if he stood at the same height as her, he would be able to match her. It seemed that he was too optimistic.

"It seemed good intentions to cooperate with me on a project, but I refused."

As for the reason for the refusal, she didn't need to tell Yang Jian.

In short, when she was with Yang Jian, she didn't want others to put her name and Ding Lun's name together, and she didn't want to embarrass Yang Jian.

"You did the right thing. No matter what his thoughts are, you have to stay away from him. This kind of scumbag, if you get close, it will be a blasphemy to you!" Mentioning Ding Lun, Yang Jian became a little excited .

Wen Tingting laughed when he heard the words: "In business, public and private should be distinguished. I thought I didn't handle this matter well enough. After hearing what you said, I knew I was doing the right thing."

Yang Jian's gaze was fixed on her smile.

She didn't answer his calls in recent years, and she avoided seeing him when he came to look for her. There must be something wrong. Should he ask her directly?
"You are so busy, why don't you go back first." Wen Tingting didn't know what to say for a while, so he rushed away.

"I'm just here." Yang Jian said, stepping forward to tidy up Wen Tingting's messy desk.

This is what he used to do, but now, in Wen Tingting's view, it is so unsuitable.

She hoped that he would always be that Yang Jian with a simple life experience and a simple human nature.

"I can do it myself, you are no longer my assistant, there is no need to do these..."

(End of this chapter)

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