Chapter 2638 Sudden Marriage Proposal (1)

Before Wen Tingting finished speaking, Yang Jianjian turned to look at her: "It's just that I'm used to it. Although I'm not in the City Sports Group, my other identity will not change. I will always be your assistant, and this will not change."

Under his gaze, Wen Tingting's wandering heart suddenly warmed up.

That's right, although his identity has changed, he is still the same Yang Jian. As long as it's about her, he pays close attention to the details.As long as it's her business, he will take care of it.

She didn't chase anyone away after that, and let Yang Jian help her sort all the materials into categories.He even cleaned up her office, completely without the airs that Director Yang should have.

Yang Jian didn't leave until she got off work, saying that he wanted to have dinner with her, and even said that he wanted to go to the movies with her.

Of course Wen Tingting couldn't refuse, so the two of them had lunch, and then Yang Jian took her to the cinema, where they chose the lovers seat and watched a literary film.

During the period, they were recognized by passers-by and took a group photo.

"We're definitely going to be on the trending searches again." Wen Tingting muttered in a low voice, wanting to make Yang Jian stop being so high-profile.

Yang Jian didn't speak, and seemed to have something on his mind.

When watching the movie, Yang Jian also seemed absent-minded.

When leaving the theater, Wen Tingting was a little confused: "What's wrong with you? You didn't watch the movie the whole time, did you?"

Yang Jian's eyes finally had focus, and he looked directly at Wen Tingting with a very focused look.

Wen Tingting was a little apprehensive when he saw it, what does this man want to do?

Just when she was hesitating whether to break the casserole and ask the end, Yang Jian suddenly knelt down on one knee: "Tingting, marry me!"

Wen Tingting was taken aback, she was extremely embarrassed.

"Get up quickly, there are a lot of people now, they have come to see..."

Because it was at the entrance of the movie theater, there was a lot of people, and Yang Jian suddenly knelt down to her, so why not attract all the passers-by to watch?

Yang Jian looked at Wen Tingting with burning eyes: "I've been busy recently, so I don't have time to come to you. So far, I haven't thought about getting married. But when I was watching a movie with you, I saw Lovers get married, and I think I should do something. I used to be unworthy of you, so I didn’t dare to think about marriage proposals. Now I’m no longer the man who eats soft food, and I can let you rely on me. .Marry me, I will not let you down!"

Wen Tingting blushed and said in a low voice, "You get up first and then talk."

How could he come? At least give her a little psychological preparation, right?

She even thought about breaking up, but it turned out that he was fine, and suddenly proposed to her. The two of them seemed to be on different channels.

There are more and more passers-by watching around, and when everyone sees clearly that the hero and heroine are the hottest pair of Internet celebrity lovers recently, they are suddenly excited.

Many passers-by shouted for help: "Yes, yes, yes, yes..."

"If you don't agree, you won't get up!" There are also sleeping people who don't think it's a big deal.

Yang Jian laughed when she heard the words: "A righteous man told me that I won't get up if you don't agree to my marriage proposal. Tingting, why don't you force me to accept you?"

"Get up first and then talk." Wen Tingting was also in a hurry, trying to find a way to escape, but found that he was surrounded and couldn't get out at all.

Some passers-by discovered her plan and even blocked the road, making it impossible for her to fly.

"If you don't agree to my marriage proposal, I will lose face. At that time, netizens will say that it is because I am not good enough for you that you don't agree to my marriage proposal." Yang Jian strikes while the iron is hot, with earnest eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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