Chapter 2656 Good Dogs Don’t Get in the Way (3)

This idea was fleeting, and Ding Lun himself felt baffled.

He even felt that Yang Jian and Wen Tingting were together now, just for fun.There are so many bright and bright women in the world, when Yang Jian meets someone better, younger and more beautiful, he will naturally break up with Wen Tingting, which is a normal result.

I don't know if Wen Tingting will still smile as brightly as today.

"Yang Jian will dump her sooner or later!" Chen Xiaoyu said, and suddenly looked at Ding Lun with burning eyes: "We can't let the two of them get too proud. Ding Lun, the best way to fight back is for us to get married .”

Ding Lun didn't expect Chen Xiaoyu to bring up this matter again all of a sudden.

He thought that he and Chen Xiaoyu already had a tacit understanding.In any case, I have to wait for my mother to recover completely before I can mention marriage.

But Chen Xiaoyu's proposal made him a little moved.

He also wanted to slap Wen Tingting and Yang Jian in the face.Seeing the picture of those two people standing together was dazzling no matter how he looked at it.

"Don't you think it's unfair? We are the ones who have been ridiculed by the world, but just after the divorce, Ms. Wen and Yang Jian live together. How can this be? It's not our fault now. Maybe before the divorce, the two of them had It's an affair, but the two of us took the blame." The more Chen Xiaoyu talked, the more angry he became.

What frustrates her the most is that she and Ding Lun have never shown their affection in front of the public like Wen Tingting and Yang Jian did in so many years of relationship.

Why is it that he and Ding Lun are still the ones who have been stared at coldly and ridiculed by the world?

"Ding Lun, let's get married. Anyway, no matter how bad the situation is, it will be like this. I don't believe it. Miss Wen and Yang Jian can have the last laugh. I won't be reconciled if I don't defeat them!" Chen Xiaoyu continued to lobby.

She could see that Ding Lun was also very dissatisfied. Ding Lun was moved by her lobbying just now.

Maybe if she lobbied a little more, Ding Lun would go with her to get the certificate and register first.

"No. My mother won't agree to this marriage. In addition, she is not in good health. No matter what, I have to take care of my mother's health. This is not a child's play, and I can't make a random decision." Ding Lun hesitated for a moment, but still refused Accepted Chen Xiaoyu's proposal.

Of course, he was worried about his mother's body, other things should be compromised for his mother.

Chen Xiaoyu was very disappointed, but he didn't show it on his face.

Speaking of which, Mother Ding blocked her way, why didn't that woman die early?
This vicious thought suddenly broke into her mind, and she was startled.

She wasn't such a vicious person before, but Ding's mother's existence was a hindrance.Is it true that Ding's mother can only marry Ding Lun after a hundred years?
After returning home, she told Zhang Min about it.

Zhang Min had the same thought as her: "It seems that Mother Ding is the obstacle on your way forward. Why don't you get rid of Mother Ding as soon as possible."

"You can't have this kind of thinking. If Ding Lun finds out, he will definitely turn against me!" Chen Xiaoyu said hastily.

Hearing this, Zhang Min sneered: "Do you think I would do such a stupid thing? Anyway, it's your business, how could I really do it? At most, it's just saying."

Chen Xiaoyu didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or be disappointed.

She really hoped that someone could help her and get rid of Ding's mother.

What she never expected was that a week later, the news that Ding's mother's condition worsened suddenly came out.

(End of this chapter)

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