Chapter 2657 Good Dogs Don’t Get in the Way (4)

The moment Chen Xiaoyu heard the news, he was unkindly excited.Does this mean that it is even more difficult for Mother Ding to get well?
She went to the hospital to visit Ding's mother, and found that Ding's mother was in the intensive care unit, and even Ding Lun could not enter.

Seeing Ding Lun's serious expression, she didn't know what happened, so she asked, "What's the matter? Is Auntie very sick?"

If so, great.

Just when she was gloating, Ding Lun suddenly looked at her, his eyes were very sharp: "The doctor said that my mother didn't get sick suddenly, but someone changed her medicine, which suddenly made her condition worse!"

Chen Xiaoyu was flustered by Ding Lun's sharp eyes: "Why are you looking at me like this? Can I still change the medicine?"

Is Ding Lun suspicious of her?
"Do you dare to swear?!" Ding Lun pressed on.

Chen Xiaoyu's eyes were red: "You don't trust me?"

"Before finding out the person who changed the dressing, anyone will be suspicious. I don't allow anyone to kill my mother!" If it was Chen Xiaoyu, he would not let it go.

Chen Xiaoyu hastily wiped away her tears, and raised her hand to swear: "If I had changed the medicine, I would die a terrible death without a whole body!"

Ding Lun's expression softened: "It's really not you?"

"It's definitely not me. I just made a poisonous oath, it can't be me! Could it be that I am such a vicious person in your heart?" Chen Xiaoyu was extremely wronged.

She might have had such vicious thoughts for a moment, but she definitely could not really do it. After all, Ding's mother was Ding Lun's mother, how could she do such a thing that hurt their feelings?
Besides, she doesn't have such guts, does she?

"I will definitely find out who is behind my mother!" Ding Lun's eyes showed a fierce look.

The top priority is to keep my mother out of danger.

Not long after, the inspection results came out, and the situation was not optimistic.

The doctor in charge told Ding Lun that Ding Mu's medicine was not just changed, but Ding Mu's medicine was mixed with chronic poison.These chronic poisons would not have killed a person so quickly, but because Ding's mother was weak and her internal organs were damaged, these poisons were fatal to Ding's mother.

"Can it be cured?" Ding Lun's heart was heavy.

He couldn't figure out why someone would want his mother's life. My mother had never had any enemies, at most she didn't want Chen Xiaoyu to marry him.

So the first person he suspected was Chen Xiaoyu.

Of course, there is another suspicious character, that is Zhang Min.

Zhang Min and Chen Xiaoyu have always had a good relationship, so it would make sense if they murdered their mother for Chen Xiaoyu's sake.

The doctor in charge shook his head and said: "It's too late, the poison has penetrated into the internal organs, the old lady is running out of time, at most she can last for two months."

Ding Lun's eyes turned red when he heard the words: "There must be a way—"

"My condolences to Mr. Ding, cherish the last bit of time." The attending doctor replied sternly.

Ding Lun sat on the chair, seemingly petrified.

Seeing him coming out, Chen Xiaoyu stepped forward and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Ding Lun glanced at her lightly, left without saying anything.

After that, Ding Lun called the police, and the police intervened in the investigation of Ding's mother being poisoned.

A week later, the investigation results came out. It was not the servant who poisoned her, but someone broke into the old house of Ding's family and secretly changed Ding's mother's medicine.

As for who it is, there is no way to know, but it can be known that this person has good skills and is a repeat offender, otherwise there is no way to break into Ding's house without setting off the alarm.

(End of this chapter)

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