Chapter 2658 On Dying Dying (1)

If Ding's mother hadn't had an accident and the police station intervened in the investigation, the conspiracy would not have been exposed.

So, some people want Ding's mother's life, and buy murder to kill.

As for who wanted Ding's mother's life, there is no way of knowing, because there was no evidence of the crime left at the scene, and there was no witness.

At present, only two servants are ruled out as traitors, and nothing else is found.

Since she was admitted to the hospital, Ding's mother was mostly lethargic, and she occasionally woke up with a vague sense of consciousness. The doctor couldn't guarantee whether it would last for two months.

Doctors' concerns are not accidental, either.

Mother Ding's condition quickly began to deteriorate. Sometimes she would be lethargic throughout the day, and sometimes she wouldn't wake up for days.

In this case, the doctor told Ding Lun to be ready at any time.

After dragging on for another week, Ding's mother suddenly woke up on this day, and she seemed to be in good spirits.She said she wanted to see Wen Tingting, but Ding Lun suppressed his sadness and brought Wen Tingting over.

Wen Tingting had never known that Ding's mother had been poisoned. When she rushed to the door of the ward, Ding's mother was looking at the sunshine outside the window, looking very peaceful.

At that moment, her tears could not stop falling.

She quickly wiped away her tears, and walked briskly into the ward: "Mother Ding!"

Mother Ding looked at Wen Tingting and stretched out her hand.

Wen Tingting held Mother Ding's bony hand, lowered her head, her eyes were reddish.

"Stupid child, don't cry. Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal for human beings. There will always be such a day in this life, and I'm ready for it." Seeing Wen Tingting's tears dripping down her face, Ding's mother patted the back of her hand.

Wen Tingting choked up, she didn't want to do this, but she just couldn't help it.

"I treat you like a half-daughter. When I'm dying, I still want to see you. Just take a look. Tingting, can you be my goddaughter?" Ding's mother spoke clearly, but her breath was weak.

Although she lost a daughter-in-law, she still has half of her daughter, and her life is considered complete.

Wen Tingting nodded vigorously: "Okay. Mom will get better, she will get better..."

Hearing that Wen Tingting changed her name, Ding's mother was very comforting: "Daughter, you go out, I want to have a word with Ding Lun."

Wen Tingting left the ward as he said, and sat in the corridor blankly.

Only Ding Lun's mother and son were left in the ward.

"In the past, I couldn't think about it. I always wanted to interfere with your marriage and love life. I felt that what I chose for you was the best way, the best wife, but I didn't know that this made you more rebellious. Now I want to understand. You have children and grandchildren, if you really like Chen Xiaoyu, marry her. Only after you have experienced it yourself and got what you want most, will you know whether it is suitable for you..."

Mother Ding seldom talked a lot, but she got tired after talking, and said she wanted to take a nap, and told Ding Lun not to disturb her.

Ding Lun held back his tears and agreed.

Mother Ding touched Ding Lun's face reluctantly. She really loved her son and wanted to find the best way for him, but the boy didn't appreciate it.

From now on, she no longer has to worry about it.

From now on, Ding Lun will walk his own way, but it's a pity that she will never see her again...

Wen Tingting, who was waiting outside, heard Ding Lun's crying in the ward, and knew that Ding's mother had gone.

She hugged her knees and cried bitterly, standing at the door of the ward at a loss.

When Chen Xiaoyu heard the news and rushed to the hospital, Ding Lun and Wen Tingting were about to send Ding's mother's body to the funeral home.

She was very upset when she saw Wen Tingting and Ding Lun standing together, but it was inconvenient for her to have an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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