Chapter 2660 On Dying Dying (3)

"It must be!"

Like Lu Sui, Shi Zuizui remembered that Ding's mother was attacked before she fell into a coma. That incident was the same person as the mastermind and the one who changed the medicine.

As long as they are connected carefully, they should know that the existence of Ding's mother is the only obstacle for Chen Xiaoyu to marry into Ding's family.Without Ding Mu, Chen Xiaoyu will be able to fulfill his wish.

Chen Xiaoyu still has value. In the future, she will join forces with Ding Lun to deal with Wen Tingting, that's right.

Maybe one day the murderer will let Ding Lun know that Mrs. Ding's accident is also because of her drunkenness. In this way, Ding Lun has even more reason to hate her and Wen Tingting.

She should have thought of this earlier.

"I discovered that Tingting's marriage was full of ups and downs. I was the absolute main reason. It was my appearance that changed Tingting's fate." Shi Zuizui lowered his eyebrows.

The so-called "I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me" is a true portrayal of Wen Tingting.

"Isn't that good? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It's because Ding Lun couldn't stand the temptation, and it's also because he has an unforgettable old love for Chen Xiaoyu and cheated in marriage. It's not your fault, and you don't need to take responsibility." Lu Sui doesn't agree with Shi Zuizui's idea.

If a man doesn't love a woman, he shouldn't marry under any pressure.

Now that you are married, you have to be responsible for your marriage.

Ding Luncuo was entangled with his ex-girlfriend during marriage, and he still blamed Wen Tingting for his mental derailment.

As a man, Ding Lun has no sense of responsibility, and as a husband, Ding Lun has no sense of shame.

It is Wen Tingting's luck that people like Ding Lun leave early and get free sooner.

Otherwise, Wen Tingting would not have met Yang Jian.

Shi Zuizui felt that Lu Sui's words made sense, so he didn't bother about it any more.

No amount of suffering will pass. She thought that Wen Tingting and Yang Jian were currently in a stable relationship.

Seeing Wen Tingting's energetic appearance every day, I know that she is doing well.

It's just that Ding's mother was implicated and died by her, if the truth is revealed one day, Wen Tingting doesn't know if she will mind.After all, Mother Ding treats Tingting very well and treats her like her daughter.

After Ding's mother passed away, everything seemed to be calm again.

At least it seems so on the surface.

Wen Tingting cheered up.Ding's mother's sudden death was a big blow to her, and it also made her cherish the people in front of her even more, and wanted to live a good life.

Ding Lun was not so lucky.

It took a full month before Ding Lun came out of the grief of losing his mother.

He decided to find out the real culprit and avenge his mother.But so far, he has no clue at all, and he doesn't know where to start.

In the end, he found a private detective agency and wanted the other party to start investigating the case.

At this time, it is the beginning of a new year.

Chen Xiaoyu was always by Ding Lun's side.

She is patient now because the biggest obstacle in front of her has been removed.Whoever poisoned Mother Ding was her benefactor, and she was even grateful to him.

Once Ding's mother died, it would be a matter of time before she married Ding Lun, and she just had to wait for Ding Lun to get over the grief of losing his mother.

That night, Chen Xiaoyu accompanied Ding Lun back to Ding's old house.

Ding Lun dismissed two servants, and the whole house was empty without a soul.

Ding Lun said he wanted to be alone for a while, so he went upstairs to his mother's bedroom.In front of the bedside table is a photo of him and his mother, or a photo taken when he was very young.

(End of this chapter)

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