Chapter 2661 On Dying Dying (4)

At that time, Mrs. Ding was very young and very beautiful.

Some things seem to have happened yesterday, but some people will never come back.

The mother's last words before she died were still in her ears, she no longer cared whether he married Chen Xiaoyu, after all, it was his own life.

Whether Chen Xiaoyu is suitable for him or not may only be known after he and Chen Xiaoyu are together.

No one stopped him from marrying Chen Xiaoyu anymore, but he hesitated for no reason.

Recently, Chen Xiaoyu has been silently by his side. When he was most lost, she always stood where he could see.

For him, she has also paid a lot, and he deserves her title.

When Chen Xiaoyu finished cooking and went upstairs, he saw Ding Lun sitting on the sofa in a daze with a group photo in his hand.

She stepped forward and said softly: "Auntie passed away, you have to take care of yourself even more, even though it makes Auntie worry."

As she spoke, she took the photo of him and Mother Ding and put it back on the bedside table.

"The food is ready, let's go downstairs to eat first, put aside if there is anything you can't figure out, don't worry."

Ding Lun nodded slightly: "Let's go, eat."

After walking two steps, he suddenly turned around: "If I say that I don't want to get married anymore, will you feel wronged?"

Chen Xiaoyu's heart pounded when he heard this, but his expression didn't change at all. He smiled and replied, "You're talking stupid again. You don't want to remarry, how can you let Auntie Jiuquan feel at ease?"

Even if Ding Lun has such bad thoughts now, she will make him change his decision.

God is helping her, how could she miss this great opportunity?
Ding Lun was silent.

He remembered what his mother had said in his last dying moments.

A person who was so determined at first, finally softened his heart and let him decide his marriage and life.Now, it was he himself who became uncertain.

During the dinner, the two of them didn't speak, each had their own concerns.

Ding Lun felt that it was too depressing in this house and wanted to leave, but Chen Xiaoyu said that it was very quiet here, so he might as well stay here for one night.

In the end, Chen Xiaoyu convinced Ding Lun, and the two stayed in Ding's house for one night.

During the period, Chen Xiaoyu wanted to throw himself into Ding Lun's arms, and cook rice with raw rice, but Ding Lun refused.

From Chen Xiaoyu's point of view, this matter is no small matter. Does a man who has been reluctant to touch her have his heart on other women?Could that woman be Wen Tingting?

It is said that before Mother Ding passed away, Wen Tingting was adopted as a goddaughter.

This should have been a good thing, but she was afraid that Wen Tingting and Ding Lun would have too many connections.Now it seems that the situation is not too bad.After the funeral, Wen Tingting never appeared again.

The next day Zhang Min immediately asked Chen Xiaoyu how it was going.

Chen Xiaoyu told the truth about what happened.

After Zhang Min listened, he sneered and said, "It seems that Ding Lun has wavered. At this time, you can no longer wait endlessly, and find a way to take the initiative!"

"Do you have a solution?" Chen Xiaoyu didn't dare to have too much hope.

"There is a way, just try it." Zhang Min listened to Chen Xiaoyu.

After Chen Xiaoyu finished listening, she nodded again and again, thinking that this method can be tried.

That night, Ding Lun returned to the Ding family's old house again, with Chen Xiaoyu by his side.Because he couldn't drive him away, he simply let him go.

It was still early when he got up the next day, less than seven o'clock.

When he went downstairs, he saw Chen Xiaoyu busy in the kitchen, and occasionally heard her coughing.

He fixed his gaze, stepped forward and asked, "Did you catch a cold?"

(End of this chapter)

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