Chapter 2662 I Won (1)

Chen Xiaoyu quickly put on the mask, and replied: "Maybe I got angry, it's nothing serious, just in case, you'd better stay away from me."

Ding Lun didn't say anything more.

It wasn't until after breakfast that Chen Xiaoyu sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest, that he realized that her face was flushed and she was in a trance.He probed her forehead and found that it was very hot.

"I'll take you to the hospital!"

Chen Xiaoyu opened his sleepy eyes, shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I have a very important meeting today, I'll just sleep in the car later, it's fine."

"It's okay after it's burned like this?" Ding Lun looked at Chen Xiaoyu in disbelief.

Chen Xiaoyu insisted that he was fine, and said that he should not miss his business.

At Chen Xiaoyu's insistence, Ding Lun still took her to the company.

After that, Chen Xiaoyu endured the discomfort and handled all the work in an orderly manner.Ding Lun saw all this in his eyes, and felt guilty at the same time as he was worried.

There is no doubt that Chen Xiaoyu is wholeheartedly for him, but he is still hesitating whether to marry her or not.

Today Chen Xiaoyu is sick like this, but still doesn't want to hold him back, not because of how strong she is, but because of him.

He knew Chen Xiaoyu's temperament. She was never a strong woman, sometimes even timid and a little inferior. If she was sick before, she would definitely act like a baby to him and attract his attention.

But this time she caught a cold, not only did she not act coquettishly to him, but instead covered it up.

Unfortunately, he soon caught a cold from Chen Xiaoyu, and he was depressed and dizzy all afternoon.

In the end, Zhang Min drove him and Chen Xiaoyu back to the old house.

In the evening, Ding Lunren was in a daze with fever, and he knew that Chen Xiaoyu was taking care of him and helping him reduce the fever throughout the night.And he also vaguely remembered that Chen Xiaoyu herself was still a sick patient, and she also had a fever, how could her body bear it if she stayed up all night to help him physically reduce the fever?
Under Chen Xiaoyu's careful care, Ding Lun's fever subsided the next morning. Although his whole body was weak, he was already well.

He went out of the bedroom and saw Chen Xiaoyu making breakfast.

Hearing footsteps, she turned her head: "I made lean meat porridge, you didn't eat anything last night, you must be hungry."

Ding Lun came closer and saw that her face was very red and her lips were chapped. He was a little worried, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xiaoyu swayed and lost consciousness.

Ding Lun hurriedly caught her, leaned towards her forehead, and found that her forehead was hotter than yesterday.

Although his consciousness was very vague, he vaguely remembered that it was Chen Xiaoyu who took care of him all night.Coupled with the fact that she herself had a cold first, she can persist in taking care of him under such circumstances, which requires amazing willpower.

After sending Chen Xiaoyu to the hospital, the doctor also said that Chen Xiaoyu's willpower was weak, and she would have collapsed as an ordinary person, but she still persisted for such a long time.

He also said that if it was later, Chen Xiaoyu's brain might burn out.

At the end, the doctor also said: "Miss Chen must love you very much."

Ding Lun was in a complicated mood, he didn't answer, and looked at the sleeping Chen Xiaoyu in a daze.

There is no doubt that Chen Xiaoyu loves him, but because he experienced the pain of losing his mother, he didn't want to give her a title, she didn't say anything, and followed him without complaint or regret.

When he was sick, she was also taking care of him in his clothes.

What else should he be picky about such a woman?

(End of this chapter)

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