Chapter 2663 I Won (2)

Zhang Min rushed to the hospital upon hearing the news and saw that Chen Xiaoyu was still in a coma. She couldn't help sighing: "I thought she was not well last night, but she didn't say anything. Ding Lun, she really loves you, you must not let her down." She, or she'll go crazy."

Ding Lun replied in a low voice: "I know, you can take care of her, I'll come see her later."

"Okay, I'll call you if I have something to do." Zhang Min watched Ding Lun go away, his eyes flickered slightly.

After finishing an important project at hand, Ding Lun hurried back to the hospital.When he arrived, Chen Xiaoyu just woke up. Although he was still very weak, the doctor said there was nothing serious, and he could be discharged after a day of observation.

As soon as the doctor left, Ding Lun took out the jewelry box he bought at the hospital and opened it.

"I'm dull and boring, Xiaoyu, will you marry me?" Ding Lun looked at Chen Xiaoyu affectionately.

Chen Xiaoyu had burst into tears the moment she saw the ring, she nodded repeatedly, choked up: "Of course!"

She had waited too long for this day, until she gradually lost confidence.

Hard work paid off, she still waited for Ding Lun's marriage proposal.

Seeing Ding Lun put the ring on herself, she burst into tears.

"It was I who wronged you a lot." Ding Lun gently wiped away her tears.

Chen Xiaoyu shook her head hastily: "No, being with you is the luckiest thing for me."

When Zhang Min turned back to the ward, he saw this scene: "Congratulations, Xiaoyu has finally come to this day."

In this way, Chen Xiaoyu finally stepped into the upper class circle.

After Ding Lun went to pay the medical bills, Zhang Min sat down by the hospital bed and said in a low voice, "I knew this trick would work. Of course, your play is perfect enough."

"Keep your voice down, don't let him hear you." Chen Xiaoyu was very nervous.

"What are you afraid of? We just used this special method to let him know how much you love him. If you didn't love him so much, how could you still finish the whole scene when you are so sick? "

Now that there is such a perfect ending, it is not in vain for her to work hard for Chen Xiaoyu and help her come up with such an idea.

"I told myself more than once that if I don't succeed, I will succeed. This time, if I survive, I may end up. So, I won!" Chen Xiaoyu said, grabbing Zhang Min's hand: "Xiao Min, thank you .”

It was Zhang Min who helped her come up with such a good idea, so she could move Ding Lun's heart.

She has today, Zhang Min has a lot of credit.

"There is no need to be polite. What is our relationship? You are my best friend. I regard you as my best sister. You still have a long way to go in the future. After you get married, you must give birth to an heir as soon as possible. It is the greatest guarantee." Zhang Min urged earnestly.

Chen Xiaoyu nodded, expressing his understanding.

When Ding Lun returned to the ward, he saw Zhang Min talking and laughing, and Chen Xiaoyu didn't cry anymore.

The wedding date of Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu was fixed soon.

Ding Lun didn't want to have a big wedding, but Chen Xiaoyu didn't.She said that a woman only gets married once in her life, so how could such a big event be easily dismissed.

He thought it made sense.

The only thing that is wrong is that a close relative has just passed away, so it seems unreasonable to hold a wedding so soon.

In the end, their wedding decided to have a good time.

Chen Xiaoyu personally acted to ask for advice, he didn't pay attention, and of course he didn't know that Zhang Min was making an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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