Chapter 2670 Farce at the wedding (1)

Wen Tingting stayed with Yang Jian the whole time, and didn't even look at them when she and Ding Lun swore their oaths.

The woman didn't take her seriously at all.

"Yeah, she just ignores you and doesn't regard you as an opponent at all. She even thinks that you are not even worthy to carry her shoes! You pretend to be blind, but I can see clearly. Ding Lun often looks at you when he takes oaths." The person in charge is Wen Tingting, he doesn't look like a groom today, he looks more like a prisoner on the execution ground..." Zhang Min mercilessly poked at Chen Xiaoyu's sore spot.

"Stop talking!" Chen Xiaoyu didn't want to hear any more, so he interrupted Zhang Min's words.

Zhang Min looked at Chen Xiaoyu sympathetically: "Xiaoyu, you are good at everything, but you are too cowardly. A man has to fight for himself, and the same is true for a man's heart. Don't you think you can make Ding Lun treat you wholeheartedly? You? You don't want to admit that Ding Lun's heart has been taken away by that woman Wen Tingting—"

"Shut up, it's not what you said!" Chen Xiaoyu shouted angrily, forgetting for a moment that this was a wedding venue and there were many guests.

Her voice was so loud that everyone turned their heads and looked at her.

Chen Xiaoyu hurriedly dragged Zhang Min to a place where there were few people, and said in a low voice, "I still have to greet the guests, so please be honest and don't cause trouble."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to leave, but Zhang Min chased after her: "How long are you going to escape? I'm afraid you forgot that Wen Tingting was invited to watch the ceremony to see her in pain and distress. Now, on the contrary, Wen Tingting is watching You are joking. I am afraid she has already discovered that Ding Lun has a crush on her, and she is laughing at you in her heart!"

Chen Xiaoyu closed her eyes in pain: "It's not what you said, no!!"

She didn't believe that Ding Lun had feelings for Wen Tingting. All along, she was the one he couldn't forget and the one he loved. Wen Tingting had nothing to say except his face.

Ding Lun was by no means the man who only looked at appearances.

"Chen Xiaoyu, you continue to deceive yourself and others! If you don't go, okay, I'll help you get ahead and beat up that bitch Wen Tingting!" Zhang Min was furious, not only angry at Chen Xiaoyu's cowardice, she also hated Wen Tingting and Yang Jian showed her affection in front of her, and once again uncovered her scars.

Zhang Min was dizzy with anger, and quickly rushed towards Wen Tingting.

Chen Xiaoyu was terrified, and quickly assumed: "Xiao Min, don't be like this..."

Zhang Min had completely lost her mind, she quickly rushed to Wen Tingting, and shouted loudly: "Bitch!"

She slapped Wen Tingting with her palm.

Unexpectedly, she made too much noise, Wen Tingting had already seen something was wrong and made preparations.

Wen Tingting easily avoided Zhang Min's palm, and threw the sprinkle cup in her hand at Zhang Min without hesitation.

In this way, even the wine and the glass were thrown on Zhang Min's face, Zhang Min was lucky and did not hurt his face.

It's just that Zhang Min was in a mess, not only his face was covered with alcohol, his white dress was also soaked in alcohol, his whole person was like a clown, exposed to everyone's sight.

Zhang Min trembled with anger, and said angrily: "Wentingting, you bitch. Yang Jian was originally my man, why should you snatch her away..."

As soon as she said this, the audience booed.

It was the first time Yang Jian saw such a brazen person, and he opened his lips indifferently: "Can any crazy woman be released from the mental hospital now?"

He was afraid that Zhang Min would get sick again, so he hurriedly protected Wen Tingting behind him.

Zhang Min was once again irritated by his subtle movements, and she said angrily, "Wen Tingting, it was you who asked Yang Jian to approach me and deceive my feelings..."

(End of this chapter)

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