Chapter 2671 Farce at the wedding (2)

Everyone booed again. No one believed Zhang Min's words. Even if Yang Jian was blind, he couldn't get close to someone like Zhang Min, right?

Ding Lun didn't expect Zhang Min to make a fuss on such an occasion today, he said to Chen Xiaoyu: "Take care of your girlfriend, I can't afford to lose this person."

Chen Xiaoyu was very depressed when she heard this, but Zhang Min really made a mess, after all, today is her big day, does Zhang Min need to make her lose face like this?
She quickly walked to Zhang Min's side: "Xiao Min, stop talking—"

"Why don't you say it? These are all facts. My man was snatched by Wen Tingting, can't I still say it?!" Zhang Min pushed Chen Xiaoyu away, still wanting to find Wen Tingting to make a theory.

Chen Xiaoyu wanted to hold Zhang Min back, and persuaded him in a low voice: "You drank too much..."

Zhang Min had already lost her mind under the stimulation of alcohol, she pushed Chen Xiaoyu away with all her strength, the force was too great, Chen Xiaoyu was pushed to the ground by her, and fell on all fours.

Chen Xiaoyu let out a scream, and felt her waist flash, she was lying on the ground, not daring to move.

At this moment, Zhang Min was a little sober, she couldn't believe that she overthrew Chen Xiaoyu, and she was dumbfounded for a moment.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ding Lun rushed forward and carefully helped Chen Xiaoyu up: "Are you okay?"

"My waist hurts so much..." Chen Xiaoyu burst into tears from the pain.

There was a lot of noise around, and many people pointed at her.She saw Wen Tingting in the crowd, looking at her from above, as if overlooking an ant.

She was ashamed and angry, but it was inconvenient for her to have an attack.

She made a mistake today, she originally wanted to invite Wen Tingting to watch the ceremony, and take a look at Wen Tingting's loss and embarrassment, but in the end, Wen Tingting saw her jokes and excitement instead.

Just at the moment when Chen Xiaoyu was in a complicated mood, Wen Tingting, who had not shown much all this time, walked out of the crowd and went to Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu.

"Why is Ms. Chen so careless, she let her best friend mess up today's wedding. It's unlucky to hurt your bones on the first day of your wedding. Maybe you'll have to hurt your bones in the future."

After Wen Tingting finished speaking, he looked at Ding Lun again: "Ding Lun, you are so inconsiderate, you don't take good care of your bride, and you make her embarrassing. In this regard, you are far inferior to our family Yang Jane. Fortunately, I got off your thief ship."

Ding Lun pursed his lips tightly and his face was gloomy, but he didn't answer.

Wen Tingting retreated to Yang Jian's side, and kissed him on the cheek: "Even if I'm not good at anything, luck is not bad, because I met you."

"I was lucky to meet you." Yang Jian kissed her on the forehead.

The two showed their affection as if no one was around, and those who didn't know thought it was their wedding.

After that, Wen Tingting felt bored, and they left the wedding scene together with Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui.

As for Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu's wedding wine, of course they didn't enjoy it either.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, the other guests who came to Wenting Pavilion also left early.

The few remaining guests also left the scene tactfully because the bride was injured and had to be sent to the hospital.

When all the guests left, only the groom, the bride, and Zhang Min, the bridesmaid, were left looking at each other.

"Are you satisfied with what happened?" Chen Xiaoyu asked Zhang Min, enduring the pain.

Zhang Min was upset.She did drink a little too much, but what's wrong with her seeking justice for herself?

Chen Xiaoyu's injury was not what she expected.

(End of this chapter)

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