Chapter 2677 My wife is very soft and cute (4)

"Thank you." Zheng Yong hurriedly went to Lou Qin's bedroom.

Without locking the door, he easily entered the bedroom.Seeing that Lou Qin was asleep, he watched from afar without stepping forward.After about 2 minutes, he approached lightly.

Lou Qin was falling asleep, unaware that someone came in, staring at her sleeping face in a daze.

Zheng Yong didn't think about anything, he only had one thought in his mind, this woman was his wife, no matter what she did, she couldn't get out of his palm.

Thinking of this, his heart is settled, and he is no longer so jealous of Lu Sui.

When he left, he specially sent a text message to Lou Qin, asking her to help him cook dinner tomorrow morning.

He just wanted the two couples to have a quiet meal together.

When his work and career improve, he will definitely let Lou Qin know that he has loved her for many years.He can have nothing in his life, but he doesn't want to be without her.

In Lu Sui's heart, Shi Zuizui is the best in everything.

And he felt that, in his opinion, Lou Qin was the warmest woman in the world.It's so warm that as long as he gets closer to her, it can iron his heart.

The next morning, Lou Qin's mobile phone suddenly received a strange letter.

The other party said that he liked her very much and thought she was a very good woman.

She glanced at it without thinking too much, thinking she had sent it by mistake, and then deleted the text message.

Unexpectedly, the next day, I received another text message from the same number. This person also said that he had a crush on her for many years.

She thought about it, and finally replied to this person: "You sent the wrong number!"

It's not easy to have a crush on someone for many years, but this person even confessed to the wrong partner. She thinks this person is too confused.

She thought that if she notified this person, she would stop sending random messages, but who knew that on the third day, this person sent another text message, again saying those slang words that she liked.

She responsibly reminded the other party to send the wrong person again, but the next day, she still received the same text message.

Seeing that the other party did not listen to the advice, she also became Buddhist, so she simply stopped doing useless work.

She didn't tell anyone about this matter, including Shi Zuizui, because she felt that this kind of thing might stop at any time, but she didn't expect that the man was very persistent, and he sent her text messages on time every day, and he persisted for a long time. Longer than she thought...

What Lu Suixin is thinking about here is still announcing to the world that he and Shi Zuizui are husband and wife.

Back then, he and Zui Zui always had regrets in their wedding. He hoped that his bride could wear a wedding dress, and even more hoped that he could give Zui Zui a grand and perfect wedding to make up for the regret left in the past.

But he also knew that there was no rush.

Last time, his design attracted Zui Zui's attention. If he was too aggressive, he might be dismissed by Shi Zui Zui before he could announce the great event.

So, this has to be done step by step.

Anyway, people are already his people, and he can prepare everything during this time.

With a plan in mind, he was no longer in a hurry.

Shi Zuizui has been guarding against Lu Sui, afraid that he will play tricks again suddenly.

After being on guard for a while, she realized that she was thinking too much. Lu Sui was very honest and didn't make any troubles.

Recently, she has become less and less interested in going to work in Shanhe Group.Because the work of the Zongguan is very busy, she has to devote half of her energy to the Shanhe Group.

If Xiao Zhe hadn't been there to help her, she might not have been able to persevere.

But seeing how stupid Chu Feng thought she was an eyesore and couldn't drive her away, it was a great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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