Chapter 2678 Pregnant (1)

Not to mention that Chu Feng had to wait anxiously, Chu Chu was also very depressed.

"It's not an option for us to wait like this. Could it be that Shi Zuizui, an outsider, suppresses us and beats us?" Chu Chu was extremely depressed.

As soon as Shi Zuizui entered the company, she was kicked out of the company. She will never forget such a shame and humiliation in her life.

"Chu Xiuzhan obviously left her to deal with us." Chu Feng was also very depressed.

"Didn't you say that person is very powerful? Talk to him, maybe he has a way to drive away Shi Zuizui. Once Shi Zuizui leaves, the Shanhe Group is still in the pocket of our brothers and sisters?" Chu Chu looked eagerly. Chu Feng.

Chu Feng shook his head, "I've looked for it, but that person didn't say anything. If there was a way, he would have done it already."

Chu Chu was very disappointed after hearing this: "Then what should I do? Continue to wait endlessly?"

Chu Feng didn't speak, and he also had the same distress.

Now he can't advance or retreat, and he doesn't know what to do.It is also true that the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for them.

Now I hope that person can help innovation come up with a perfect solution, otherwise I will have to wait for death.

Half a month had passed since Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu's wedding, and suddenly at this moment, a picture of Ding Lun swearing at Wen Tingting at the wedding was suddenly exposed on the Internet.

Especially when Ding Lun said that Wen Tingting was a second-hand product, many female compatriots responded.

Not to mention that Ben Lun has no morals, everyone still thinks he is very unkind.No matter what, Wen Tingting and him were once husband and wife, didn't they have a little affection.

Moreover, it was Ding Lun who cheated first, yet he still has the face to say that Wen Tingting is a second-hand woman, such a person is extremely shameless.

Except for a large group of netizens who complained about Ding Lun and felt that such a person has no bottom line in life, another small group of netizens focused on Yang Jian.

These netizens felt that Ding Lun's words made sense.

If Yang Jian wants to marry Wen Tingting, or if he really loves Wen Tingting, he will definitely give her a title.

But at that time, Yang Jian didn't express anything, and Wen Tingting took the initiative throughout the whole process, so Yang Jian had no choice but to cooperate with Yang Jian.

Some details make netizens not optimistic about the future of Yang Jian and Wen Tingting.Some netizens even felt that Ding Lun's words were a prophecy. In the future, Yang Jian would definitely find other fresh and young girlfriends when she got tired of Wen Tingting.

At that time, Wen Tingting will end up being abandoned again.

After Wen Tingting watched his excitement, he called Yang Jian and complained: "Why didn't everyone think that even if we broke up one day, I would be the one who dumped you?"

"Why don't you try to dump me, and I'll beg you to get back together?" Yang Jian thought it was a good idea to save Wen Tingting's face.

"But we're married. If you want to dump you, wouldn't it be convincing to have a divorce?" Wen Tingting said angrily.

Yang Jian couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, I don't want to lose you, the most perfect wife."

The corners of Wen Tingting's lips rose unconsciously.

I haven't noticed before that Yang Jian is so sweet-talking.

She chatted with Yang Jian on the phone for most of the day, and felt a little tired, and her chest was tight.She went to the lounge to sleep and woke up feeling nauseous.

At first she thought it was her gastrointestinal discomfort and she would be fine after a short rest, but the discomfort did not improve.

She searched on the Internet what stomach medicine should be taken for nausea and vomiting, but some netizens replied that it was not necessarily a gastrointestinal problem, but it might be because of pregnancy.

(End of this chapter)

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