Chapter 2682 Get rid of the evil seeds in your belly (1)

"You speak beautifully, let's see how you behave then." Wen Tingting still didn't quite believe it.

Yang Jian didn't continue either.Time will tell everything. A wife is meant to be in pain after marrying home. As for the yellow-faced man, let him do it.

Because he didn't want to answer anyone's call, Wen Tingting turned off his phone.

When I turned it on the next day, I found that there were still many calls and text messages. The most ridiculous thing was that Ding Lun had the most calls.

She really couldn't understand why Ding Lun was still looking for her now. Could it be that because her ex-wife was pregnant, he, his ex-husband, wanted to care about her?

As for the many speculations on the Internet, she didn't take it to heart.

For now, she doesn't want to disclose the fact that she and Yang Jian have already obtained the certificate.Outsiders' remarks or opinions had no effect on her. Yang Jian meant to make it public, but she didn't want to be so troublesome.

If the marriage is made public, the wedding will probably be put on the agenda again, otherwise people will say that Yang Jian doesn't value herself and even skip the wedding.

Although people's words are scary, but she came from the cusp of the storm, so she doesn't care.

Seeing that Wen Tingting insisted on his own opinion, Yang Jian stopped persuading him.

He listens to Wen Tingting's advice in everything.

What my wife said is very reasonable. It is unfair and meaningless for her to hold the wedding in a hurry. It is better to wait for the child to be born and her body to recover completely, and then hold the wedding in a splendid manner.

Because both Yang Jian and Wen Tingting are silent, netizens are more sure that they have guessed all the plots correctly.

Wen Tingting cut first and then played, wanting to tie up Yang Jian, the diamond king, with his children.Yang Jian, the sufferer, knew that he was being calculated, so he must be unhappy, so he didn't respond to the incident on social software.

The plot is probably like this, even if it is bad, it is not much worse.

Most of the netizens felt that Wen Tingting's move was shooting himself in the foot, which was equivalent to pushing Yang Jian, the best boyfriend, away.

There are also netizens who understand Wen Tingting's approach. She is clearly doing this because she is desperate and planning for herself. It is understandable to do so.Now it depends on how Yang Jian expresses his position. If he is willing to take responsibility, then Xu Wenting should be given the title.Otherwise, he would probably keep silent and continue to let this matter ferment.

Even Shi Zuizui was very surprised by Wen Tingting's decision: "So why don't you make it public?"

"It's fine now, no one bothers me. Anyway, my mother-in-law told me that she will take care of the baby after it is born. Yang Jian also said that he will take care of the baby at night, so I don't have to worry about staying up late at all." Wen Wen When Tingting said this, she seemed slightly satisfied.

"Look at what you can do." Shi Zuizui laughed.

"It's what you said, let me catch Yang Jian, a good man, so far, my choice is right." Wen Tingting said with a smile.

"Of course, I still have a bad eye for people? I've already seen that Yang Jian is a potential stock." Shi Zuizui chatted with Wen Tingting for a while before hanging up the phone.

Ding Lun probably couldn't have imagined that Wen Tingting's speed was even faster than him.Not only did she get married before him, but she also conceived a child first.

What she is looking forward to most now is to see Wen Tingting slap Ding Lun in the face.

When Ding Lun found out that Wen Tingting was pregnant, he felt restless and even couldn't sleep at night.

But when he called Wen Tingting, Wen Tingting never answered.He thought, probably Wen Tingting was hurt by Yang Jian's actions, and now he doesn't want to see anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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