Chapter 2683 Get rid of the evil seeds in your belly (2)

In the end, Ding Lun decided to go to the Urban Sports Group to find Wen Tingting.

Wen Tingting never thought that Ding Lun would dare to come to him.When the front desk said that Ding Lun was looking for her, she ordered someone to stop Ding Lun.

As a result, she went to the parking lot after get off work, and Ding Lun suddenly rushed out and blocked her way.

"Why didn't you see me?!" Ding Lun's first sentence was a question.

Wen Tingting was speechless, and asked back: "Why do I want to see you?"

"You don't want to see me because you are afraid that I will see you in a mess." Ding Lun asked himself and answered.

Wen Tingting didn't want to answer the call, so he called Yang Jian directly: "Where are you? I'm getting annoyed to death by some flies."

"There's a traffic jam on the road, we're almost here, wait for me for another 2 minutes." Yang Jian hurriedly replied without hearing the meaning behind Wen Tingting's words.

Wen Tingting had no choice but to hang up the phone. When she turned around, she saw Ding Lun looking at her sullenly.

She felt baffled: "If you are so free, you can find other people to talk about the old days. I really don't have time to greet you."

"You have been played with, and Yang Jian is unwilling to take responsibility, right? In my opinion, you can get rid of the evil seed in your stomach as soon as possible..."

"You are enough! Don't think that I will tolerate you forever. If it wasn't for the sake of seeing Ding's mother, I would call the police now!" Wen Tingting's anger soared when he heard Ding Lun talk about innocent children.

"What position do you have to call the police? You don't think it's embarrassing enough, and you still want to send it to the police station?" Ding Lun said coldly.

Wen Tingting has never met such an unreasonable person, it is simply hard to explain.

At this time Yang Jian finally arrived, he quickly got out of the car, rushed over, protected Wen Tingting behind him, and asked, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"If you come later, anything is possible. Let's go, I have never seen such a lunatic." Wen Tingting muttered in a low voice, and got into the car under the escort of Yang Jian.

Seeing this situation, Ding Lun chased after him: "You can't leave before you speak clearly!"

Yang Jian escorted Wen Tingting into the car, and turned to face Ding Lun: "What do you want to say, you can say it now."

Under Yang Jian's powerful aura, Ding Lun instantly became shorter.It took him a while to find his own voice: "This is about me and Tingting, what does it have to do with you, an outsider?"

Yang Jian is just Wen Tingting's boyfriend, and he doesn't want to be responsible to Wen Tingting. What kind of face does such a person have to pretend to be righteous?

"You are just Tingting's ex-husband, and you are the kind who fell out, the kind who can't even be friends. What position do you have to trouble Tingting? Don't harass Tingting again, and take care of your Chen Xiaosan to live. !" Yang Jian wanted to get into the car as she spoke.

Ding Lun laughed back angrily: "Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You're just playing with her, and she's the only one who's stupid to be tricked by you and count the money for you."

Yang Jian looked sideways when she heard the words: "I didn't see you caring about Tingting before, why did you speak in a caring tone after the divorce? Have you forgotten that you were the one who hurt her the most. Now she is my woman, and I am her." The father of the baby in the womb, the life of our family of three, it is not up to you, a villain, to dictate. You should really look in the mirror and see your disgusting face!"

After he finished speaking, he slammed the car door hard and drove away.

Wen Tingting had never seen Yang Jian so angry before, and it took her a while to find her own voice: "Why bother getting angry with that kind of person? Don't get so angry."

(End of this chapter)

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