Chapter 2684 Get rid of the evil seeds in your belly (3)

"I'd better find two bodyguards for you. You are pregnant now, it would be bad if there is a collision." Yang Jian avoided Wen Tingting's question.

The reason why he is angry is because Ding Lun still hasn't let Wen Tingting go.

It was clear that Ding Lun failed his marriage and failed Tingting, so why did he humiliate Tingting as a matter of course?
He was angry because the person he cherished was humiliated by that villain Ding Lun.

"How can I be so fragile? It's okay, I don't need a bodyguard. When the baby is a little older, I will rest at home, not go anywhere, and have a good pregnancy at home." Wen Tingting said here, a little distressed: "If I take maternity leave , what about the city luck?"

"I can help take care of it." Yang Jian replied.

I'm afraid that people's words are scary, and some villains will find an opportunity to say that he covets Chengyun Group.

"Hongkang Industry is busy enough for you, how can you have so much time to manage the city? I will ask my mother in a few days." Wen Tingting said, a little distressed: "Actually, pregnancy is quite troublesome. A lot of planned things have to be shelved."

She wondered if she was ready to be a mother.

If her child is born, she must take good care of it.Thinking about it this way, she felt that it was impossible for her to completely hand over the child to Yang Fan and her son, and she still had to take it by her side to feel at ease.

"It's not as complicated as you think. It's just that you will work very hard during pregnancy, and you will be very tired when you have to go to work. When you give birth, you will also..." Yang Jian stopped here.

It is also a hurdle for a woman to give birth, and he doesn't want to say unlucky words.

Wen Tingting immediately heard the worry in Yang Jian's words, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, having a baby is normal, and nothing will happen."

Yang Jian touched her stomach: "Of course your mother and son will be fine."

The couple talked and laughed along the way, and quickly put all the unpleasant things and people behind them.

Ding Lun still stood where they were after walking for a long time, without moving.

Yang Jian's words made him angry and made him feel that he was humiliated by Yang Jian.

The real villain is Yang Jian.

When his marriage with Wen Tingting changed, Yang Jian stepped in, otherwise, what would happen if he got Yang Jian in the next round?

Now that Wen Tingting is pregnant with Yang Jian's child, Yang Jian hasn't said a word about being responsible for Wen Tingting.Wen Tingting followed Yang Jian because he was blind.

If one day Wen Tingting is dumped, it will be Wen Tingting's own fault.

What made him even more angry was why he came here to look for Wen Tingting and why he was humiliated. Wen Tingting's life and death had nothing to do with him at all. At most, he gave birth to a goddaughter Wen Tingting before his mother died. .

Even so, it is impossible for him and Wen Tingting to be a pair of brother and sister who love each other.

He returned to Ding's old house angrily.

Chen Xiaoyu was in the living room. Seeing Ding Lun come back, she walked up to her and asked, "Honey, who made you angry?"

Ding Lun was a little awkward when he heard Chen Xiaoyu calling his husband, he replied in a deep voice, "It's nothing."

"You still said it was nothing, your unhappiness is written on your face." Chen Xiaoyu took the briefcase in his hand: "I made soup, if you are hungry, you can drink some soup first."

Ding Lun doesn't tell her what's on his mind now.

Since the news of Wen Tingting's pregnancy was revealed, Ding Lun has been anxious every day. What she fears most is that Ding Lun just got angry and has something to do with Wen Tingting.

(End of this chapter)

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