Chapter 2685 Get rid of the evil seeds in your belly (4)

Wen Tingting is just a person from the past, why should Ding Lun focus on insignificant people?
It's just that she dared not say these words.

Simply pretend that you don't know anything, and maybe you can continue to live as if nothing had happened.

Ding Lun is already married to her, and her next goal is to conceive Ding Lun's child, preferably a son and a daughter, forming a family of four.

In this case, her life can be considered complete.

"I can't drink it!" Ding Lun said, quickly went upstairs, and hid in the bedroom to smoke.

Chen Xiaoyu followed and saw this scene, not knowing what to say.

Enduring the pain in her back, she went to the kitchen to cook a few dishes, and then went upstairs to ask Ding Lun to eat.

Ding Lun ignored her, citing his poor appetite.

In the end, she was sitting alone at the dining table, staring at the deserted living room in a daze.This is completely different from the married life she imagined. She married Ding Lun as she wished, but she was not happy at all.

It stands to reason that she has got everything she wants, and there is nothing in her way anymore, so why is she still alone?

She has a husband and a home of her own, but this home and her man are not warm and cannot give her the light and warmth she wants.

She was sad inwardly, and after an unknown amount of time, the dish became cold, and Ding Lun finally came down from the stairs.

She stood up in surprise: "I'm going to heat up the food!"

"No need, I'm going out for a while." Ding Lun left without looking at Chen Xiaoyu.

For some unknown reason, Chen Xiaoyu saw him go and quietly followed him.

She didn't dare to follow too closely, because it was after nine o'clock in the evening, there were not many vehicles on the road, and there was no traffic jam, so it was not easy to lose track.

It didn't take long for her to discover that the place Ding Lun went to was the company's office building.

But she suspected that he was out fooling around, and if Ding Lun knew about it, he would definitely get angry again.

She waited for a long time in the underground parking lot, but Ding Lun still did not come down.

When it was nearly twelve o'clock, she called Ding Lun and asked, "When are you going home?"

"I have to deal with work matters, so I won't call back." Ding Lun hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He sat dryly at his desk, but he didn't actually have any job, he just came out because he didn't want to stay at home.

Then, he came to the office unknowingly, because here he can rest and no one will disturb him.

No one would disturb him at home, so he still couldn't calm down.

But here, he becomes calmer.

I don't know if he loved someone for too long and consumed all his passion, so he was not excited at all when he married Chen Xiaoyu.Even now that he has formed a complete family with her, he still can't feel the warmth of home.

It was completely different from what he had imagined before.

Chen Xiaoyu was the most precious person he had ever lost, and it was so hard to be together, shouldn't he cherish her?
Why is it the opposite now?
I don't know when it started, as early as when he and Wen Tingting were divorcing, he and Chen Xiaoyu didn't have the enthusiasm they used to have when they were together, but he was busy divorcing Wen Tingting and proving to everyone that the person he loved was Chen Xiaoyu. small fish.

In the past, there was resistance from Wen Tingting, the shackles and shackles of marriage, and even my mother blocked it.

Those things made him firmly believe that the whole world was obstructing him and Chen Xiaoyu, and he also firmly believed that those were the people who destroyed his happiness, and made him believe that Chen Xiaoyu was the love of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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