Chapter 2686 Some love is gone (1)

Ding Lun suddenly understood one thing, even though he was unwilling to admit it from the bottom of his heart.

I don't know when it started, but wanting to be with Chen Xiaoyu is just a regret in his life.

When it was no longer a regret, and no one stopped him and Chen Xiaoyu, the relationship between him and Chen Xiaoyu seemed to be tasteless.Tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard.

At first he was unwilling to admit it, but now he understands that he is no longer the Ding Lun who wholeheartedly loves Chen Xiaoyu, nor is Chen Xiaoyu the pure Chen Xiaoyu.

They have all changed and will never be the same again.

If he was no longer the Ding Lun who loved Chen Xiaoyu so much, why did he want to divorce Wen Tingting?
This thought flashed, but I couldn't let it go.

Because he couldn't sleep, he simply left the office building and went to his and Wen Tingting's new home.

When he went to the community, he suddenly remembered that he had already left the key. Wen Tingting was looking for the house at the beginning. He divorced Wen Tingting and moved away. Of course, there was no reason to keep the key.

He finally went upstairs and went to the door. After hesitating for a long time, he rang the doorbell.

After several minutes, someone came to open the door.

It was a strange young man who was woken up in the middle of the night, so he was naturally annoyed to get up. The other party shouted at him, "Are you sick?!"

"Are you—are you the landlord or the tenant?" Ding Lun asked.

The young man yelled at him: "None of your business!" After yelling, the young man slammed the door behind him.

Ding Lun stood there stunned, suddenly feeling bored.

Whether Li Shuo's person is the landlord or the tenant, it has nothing to do with him.

He and Wen Tingting used to be tenants here too, but that's all in the past.He and Wen Tingting have already diverged from each other, and it is impossible for them to meet again.

It doesn't make any sense for him to come here.

Ding Lun felt like a soul without a home, and he didn't know where he would berth.He didn't want to go back to Ding's house because Chen Xiaoyu was there.

Some loves are gone, no matter how much he repeatedly asks himself why he doesn't love anymore, that is the final result.

He was often unwilling to admit this fact, and now he simply didn't want to see Chen Xiaoyu anymore.

He wandered around the city in the middle of the night, and returned to the company to lie down at dawn.

Chen Xiaoyu asked Zhang Min to watch Ding Lun in the company.

So when Zhang Min arrived at the office, he went to Ding Lun.She saw Ding Lun sleeping in the lounge, and then sent a message to Chen Xiaoyu, telling her not to worry, Ding Lun was sleeping in the lounge.

Chen Xiaoyu felt relieved.

She was also worried that Ding Lun was with other women when she couldn't see her, and she would never allow anyone to interfere in her marriage with Ding Lun, this was something she could not tolerate.

At this moment, she still doesn't know that the gears of fate are coming towards her mercilessly.

This morning Wen Tingting received a call from a classmate, saying that a psychopath rang the doorbell at midnight last night, asking if he was the landlord or the tenant.Later, the classmate thought about it and felt that the person was a little familiar.

After comparing the photos, he found that it was her ex-husband Ding Lun.

"Could it be that he still has old feelings for you?" the male classmate joked with Wen Tingting at the end.

If so, it is retribution.

Wen Tingting was a little surprised: "Are you sure it's Ding Lun?"

From the beginning to the end, Ding Lun didn't have any affection for her. Where did the old love come from?

(End of this chapter)

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