Chapter 2690 Killing Pregnant Women (1)

Some netizens said that Yang Jian might be the next scumbag, and some netizens deliberately went to Yang Jian's social software to check his presence.

Yang Jian has to go to work during the day, and after get off work he spends all his time with Wen Tingting's mother and son, and has no time to surf the Internet. Naturally, he doesn't know that netizens are calling him a scumbag and condemning him.

His attention was on Wen Tingting's mother and son.

Seeing that the child has been for more than two months, he, as a father, is not to mention how happy he is.

He had to work overtime that day, and it was already 09:30 when he returned to Wen's house, and he ran into Xiang Xiaorou by chance.

Xiang Xiaorou seemed to be drunk, and walked staggeringly.

He rarely dealt with Xiang Xiaorou because he knew that Xiang Xiaorou had malice towards Shi Zuizui.

The other thing is that Tingting is pregnant, he usually doesn't have enough time to take care of the two of them, how can he have spare time for the extra people?

He was about to pass by Xiang Xiaorou, but Xiang Xiaorou suddenly shouted loudly: "Do you even look down on me?!"

Yang Jian didn't bother to talk to Xiang Xiaorou, and quickly walked into the living room.Xiang Xiaorou seemed to be cursing from behind, but he didn't take it to heart.

When Xiang Xiaorou entered the living room, the alcohol had dissipated a lot.

Everyone was concerned about Wen Tingting, no one saw her come back, not even her husband looked at her.

Liu Ruolan is right, this is cold violence, and the Wen family ignored her in this way, embarrassing her.The hateful thing is that because Wen Changdong is in this family, she can only swallow her anger.

From this day on, Liu Ruolan often returns to Wen's home late after get off work, and sometimes returns to Wen's house after going to the bar with her colleagues. Even if she has no company, she will go back to Wen's house after watching the movie by herself.

Anyway, the family had more than her, and less than her. Even if she died outside, no one would care about her safety.

Everyone didn't notice Xiang Xiaorou's change, and Wen Tingting didn't notice it either.

She was thirsty that day, there was no water in the bedroom, and Yang Jian hadn't come back yet, so she simply went downstairs to find water.

When she reached the stairs, she met Xiang Xiaorou.

Just getting closer to Xiang Xiaorou, she smelled the strong smell of alcohol on her body, which made her feel nauseous, so she took a step back unconsciously.

Seeing this detail, Xiang Xiaorou fixed her gaze: "What are you hiding from?"

Wen Tingting didn't think about the dispute, she replied quietly: "You think too much."

Xiang Xiaorou stared at her without saying a word, with a strange expression on her face.

Wen Tingting didn't want to deal with Xiang Xiaorou anymore, so he simply went downstairs.

Unexpectedly, she had only walked a few steps, when suddenly there was a force pushing her from behind, she didn't notice it for a while, and was pushed down the stairs just like that.

Others rushed over after hearing the sound, only to see Wen Tingting fell to the ground, Xiang Xiaorou smelled of alcohol, sitting on the stairs, as if she was not sober yet.

Shi Zuizui reacted the fastest, and she sent Wen Tingting to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Wen Tingting subconsciously protected her stomach when she fell this time, and it was her subconscious action that saved the child, but also moved the fetal gas.

Yang Jian blamed herself very much. If he hadn't worked overtime and stayed with her at home, such an accident would not have happened.

Wen Changdong learned that Wen Tingting's mother and son were safe, and he turned the corner to safety, and let go of his hanging heart.

He looked at Xiang Xiaorou who had sobered up, and shouted sharply: "I really didn't expect you to be so vicious, you can even kill a child, how can you be so scary?!"

It's ridiculous that he actually lured wolves into the house in order to deal with Shi Zuizui.

Today is Tingting's luck, and God blesses that nothing happened.Otherwise, he would never forgive himself in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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