Chapter 2691 Killing Pregnant Women (2)

"I used to be like this, you didn't know it for the first time. Because I don't like Shi Zui Zui, you married me, didn't you? You probably didn't expect that one day I would dislike your favorite sister And let her be poisoned?" Xiang Xiaorou sneered back.

"What's wrong with Tingting? Why are you doing this to her? She's pregnant with a child, do you have any conscience?" Wen Changdong didn't expect that after the incident, Xiang Xiaorou would have no intention of repenting at all. .

He even didn't expect that Xiang Xiaorou would hide evil intentions and want to kill Wen Tingting.

She didn't hate Shi Zuizui, so why did she turn her back on Wen Tingting?

"Her happiness is in the way of my eyes. None of your Wen family members are good, and they all use cold violence against me. I hate each of you, especially you Wen Changdong!" Xiang Xiaorou turned and went back to the room after finishing speaking. .

Wen Changdong followed, but she blocked the door.

He didn't expect that Xiang Xiaorou hadn't repented until now, and she still had the face to block him from the door. I'm afraid this woman has forgotten that this is the Wen family, not her Xiang Xiaorou's territory.

After Shi Zuizui learned that Wen Tingting's mother and child were safe, he rushed back to find out the situation.

When she went upstairs, she saw Wen Changdong kicking the door, Xiang Xiaorou probably hid in the bedroom.

"Have you asked, is she the one who pushed people?" Shi Zuizui asked.

Wen Changdong took a deep breath, "I was the one who led the wolf into the house. I didn't expect her to be so vicious that she would attack Tingting."

"What did she say?" Shi Zuizui was not in the mood to argue with Wen Changdong at the moment.

"What did Tingting say that she was so happy that her eyes were blocked, and she was drinking too much, so she suddenly attacked Tingting." Wen Changdong replied truthfully.

Shi Zuizui frowned: "Is this the reason?"

"She also said that all of us used cold violence against her..." Wen Changdong's voice faded away.

He hardly talked to Xiang Xiaorou recently, even if he would meet each other every day, he couldn't have a few words with Xiang Xiaorou.

The others also focused their attention on Wen Tingting, how could they have any extra thoughts to pay attention to Xiang Xiaorou?

As for the so-called cold violence, it must be Xiang Xiaorou's illusion, it's just that everyone is concerned about Wen Tingting.

"Does she think we are being cold and violent to her?" Shi Zuizui had just finished speaking when he heard movement from the bedroom.

She listened carefully, and felt that there was a lot of movement inside, probably Xiang Xiaorou was smashing something.

Wen Changdong also heard it, kicked the door and said: "Xiang Xiaorou, what are you doing?! Is this a place where you can play wild?! Open the door!"

No matter how hard he kicked, Xiang Xiaorou inside showed no sign of opening the door.

Shi Zuizui stood for a while, feeling inappropriate, she ran downstairs, considered the terrain, then went to the next room, climbed over the window sill to the balcony next door.

When she entered, it was a mess inside, and Xiang Xiaorou was lying in the middle of the mess, like a dead body without temperature.

Although she had already guessed that Xiang Xiaorou was doing sabotage, she didn't expect Xiang Xiaorou's destructive power to be so amazing.

"Shi Zuizui, did you go in and open the door for me?!" Wen Changdong's voice sounded.

Shi Zuizui stepped forward and opened the door.

When Wen Changdong came in and saw the mess in the room, he jumped his feet angrily. He said angrily, "Vicious woman, I want to divorce you!!"

As soon as he said this, Xiang Xiaorou, who was lying on the corpse, suddenly went berserk again. When she found something, she threw it on Wen Changdong. She shouted at the top of her lungs, "I want a divorce, unless I die!"

(End of this chapter)

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