Chapter 2699 Arson (2)

This is how it happened.

Xiang Xiaorou spent a few hours cooking soup for Wen Tingting, trying to make up for her mistakes.

Shi Zuizui knew that it was Xiang Xiaorou's soup, how could he let Wen Tingting drink this soup, Xiang Xiaorou has a criminal record, who knows if there is any medicine in the soup.

"Don't make soup anymore, no one will dare to drink it after you make it." Shi Zuizui was still blunt.

Especially dare not let Wen Tingting drink the soup stewed by Xiang Xiaorou.

"This soup is very nourishing, especially good for pregnant women." Xiang Xiaorou said, adding a bowl of soup to Wen Tingting.

She pushed the soup to Wen Tingting, Shi Zuizui saw it, and then took the soup back, but suddenly knocked it over because he couldn't hold it firmly.

Because she was close to Xiang Xiaorou, some of the hot soup spilled on Xiang Xiaorou's body, but she avoided the disaster herself.

After Xiang Xiaorou was scalded by the soup, she had a subtle expression on her face. She didn't say anything later, and hurried out of the dining room.

Seeing this, Shi Zuizui rushed to Wen Changdong and said, "She may be burned, you should go and have a look."

Wen Changdong originally wanted to take a look at the past, but when Shi Zuizui opened his mouth, he became rebellious: "Why should I go?!"

"She is your wife, if you don't go, who will go? Should I go?" Shi Zuizui couldn't laugh or cry.

Xiang Xiaorou is not happy seeing her, she will only make Xiang Xiaorou angrier, right?
At the moment, Xiang Xiaorou's emotions must also be taken into consideration, after all, this is a patient.

"You were the one who burned it, so what's none of my business?!" Wen Changdong sneered, but he didn't want to get up.

He didn't know that Xiang Xiaorou didn't go far away, and when he heard the conversation between him and Shi Zuizui, his expression became a little distorted...

That night, Wen Tingting slept until midnight and was woken up by the heat. When she opened her eyes and saw a faint light of fire at the door, she was terrified and hurriedly pushed Yang Jian to wake him up: "It's a fire, wake up."

Fortunately, she was pregnant and afraid of the heat, otherwise she would not have discovered the fire so quickly.

Yang Jian was startled awake, and hurriedly protected Wen Tingting behind him.

He didn't dare to open the door casually, and hurriedly dialed Shi Zuizui's number.

When Shi Zuizui heard the news and rushed over, he saw Xiang Xiaorou standing in front of the bedroom in white pajamas, holding an empty wine bottle in his hand, showing a ferocious smile.

At this time, the fire was already very strong, so she took the fire extinguisher and stepped forward to put out the fire, and Lu Sui was on the side to help.

Fortunately, the fire just started, and there were many Wen family members who helped out together, and everyone worked together to put out the fire in time.

It was a false alarm, and everyone was still afraid after thinking about it.

Wen Changdong was so angry that he sent Xiang Xiaorou to the police station, which soon shocked the whole Internet.

After hearing the news, Liu Ruolan came, brought a lawyer and a doctor.

The doctor also brought a proof that Xiang Xiaorou's mental problems were true and she was released on bail by Liu Ruolan.

"What's more, Xiaorou is your wife. You usually don't care about her, but when something happens, you push your wife into the abyss. Wen Changdong, are you still human? Thanks to Xiaorou who loves you so much, she is really blind Eyes!" Liu Ruolan yelled at Wen Changdong.

Wen Changdong sneered: "I'm not cured of my illness, but I am using this illness to commit murder and rob goods. It's really clever!"

He was the one who led the wolf into the house, but almost killed Tingting.

Tingting avoided the fatal injury twice, it was her luck, not Xiang Xiaorou's kindness.

"If you cared about her, she wouldn't be what she is now. You don't want her, I want her. Xiaorou, come with me, and I will cure your illness!" Liu Ruolan said, holding Xiang Xiaorou's hand hand.

Xiang Xiaorou turned her head frequently, looking at Wen Changdong.

(End of this chapter)

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