Chapter 2700 Arson (3)

"Stupid woman, don't look at him, he's not worthy of your liking." Liu Ruolan said, forcing Xiang Xiaorou into the car.

After Xiang Xiaorou got into the car, she still turned her head frequently, hoping that Wen Changdong could catch up.

Wen Changdong watched intently, if he wasn't dazzled, did Xiang Xiaorou cry just now?

He also wanted to take a closer look, Xiang Xiaorou had already been brought into the car by Liu Ruolan.

For a moment, he froze in place, not knowing where his mind was drifting.

Marriage with Xiang Xiaorou is more like a child's play, and he didn't expect Xiang Xiaorou to become like this in the end.

After returning home, Shi Zuizui saw Wen Changdong sitting in the living room absent-mindedly. Young Master Wen's strange expression made her want to gossip: "What happened?"

"Xiang Xiaorou was taken away by Liu Ruolan." Wen Changdong said coldly, with a cold expression.

"This is a good thing, remove a time bomb from the house, Tingting will be much safer in the future!" Shi Zuizui disagrees.

Don't tell her that Wen Changdong is suddenly reluctant to part with Xiang Xiaorou.

"She seems to like me very much. When Liu Ruolan took her away, she cried." Wen Changdong was very entangled.

It's not that I haven't been in a relationship before, but the few girlfriends I dated didn't have much affection. When talking about breaking up, everyone was very kind. He just gave some compensation, and the woman left very satisfied.

He had never seen a woman cry because of him.

It was the way Xiang Xiaorou's eyes were blurred with tears when he left, he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

"Crying is normal. Although Xiang Xiaorou is very vicious, it's true that she likes you." Shi Zuizui was surprised that Liu Ruolan cared so much about Xiang Xiaorou.

Wen Changdong didn't answer any more, immersed in his own thoughts.

It seems that the girlfriends I made before loved him as Master Wen and his money, but none of them loved him as a person.

Why is it that Xiang Xiaorou, a vicious woman, is sincere to him?

It would be fine if she had An An's status, but the person he hurt was Ting Ting, how could he keep such a wife?
"What is your plan? It's not a long-term solution for Liu Ruolan to take Xiang Xiaorou away. Either you and Xiang Xiaorou will continue to be husband and wife, or you will have to divorce. Procrastination is not an option." Shi Zuizui said again.

Wen Changdong was at a loss, "I haven't figured it out yet."

Since the incident happened, he never thought about divorcing Xiang Xiaorou.It's just that Xiang Xiaorou's attack was too vicious, so he sent Xiang Xiaorou to the police station in a fit of anger.

"Then you have to think carefully from now on." Shi Zuizui left after finishing speaking, leaving Wen Changdong alone.

For the next half month, Wen Changdong was thinking about whether to divorce Xiang Xiaorou every day.Just half a month ago, the news that he was about to divorce Xiang Xiaorou suddenly spread on the Internet.

He didn't take this matter to heart at the time, only thinking that it might become a reality in the future.

The marriage between him and Xiang Xiaorou is like a chicken rib, it's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to throw it away.

What he didn't expect was that Xiang Xiaorou's condition would become so bad when he saw Xiang Xiaorou again.

Even when he appeared in front of Xiang Xiaorou, Xiang Xiaorou didn't recognize him.

"You took her away, is this how you took care of her?!" Wen Changdong was furious, and asked Liu Ruolan.

"You ask the doctor what's going on before you get angry." Liu Ruolan smiled sarcastically: "Isn't it good not to recognize you? At least she won't be in pain in the future!"

Wen Changdong felt that there was something in Liu Ruolan's words, so he ran to the attending doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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