Chapter 537 Jealousy 6)

"Little catfish, let me hug you." Lu Wan watched from the side, her heart itching hard to control, she had no immunity to cute children.

"No, Auntie has a baby. I'm too heavy for Auntie to hold." The little squid was very considerate, but in fact he was reluctant to leave Shi Zuizui's embrace.

He has been separated from Zui'er since he was a child, and he has never enjoyed maternal love, so he has to make up for it twice in the future.

After going to the detective agency, Lu Wan stared at her stomach in a daze.

If she wants to completely cut off contact with Lin Zhao, the child in her womb cannot be kept.But every time she saw the little catfish, she couldn't bear the child in her belly.

Maybe when her child is born, he will be as cute, filial, beautiful and intelligent as Little Catfish.

This is her child, and she wants to give birth to it, even if she raises it by herself.

Seeing Lu Wan like this, Shi Zuizui probably knew why she was troubled.

"Drunk, I'm in a cocoon." After a long time, Lu Wan said hoarsely.

She planned to conceive Lin Zhao's child at the beginning, and wanted to use the child to tie Lin Zhao.At that time, how could she have expected that one day she would be tired by this child.

She was really tired and didn't want to entangle with Lin Zhao any more.She knew that if she continued to love Lin Zhao, she would eventually die in his hands.

In this way, taking away the child is the best way, but she is reluctant to part with the child in her womb.

"Why don't you go with the flow? If the child is born, it belongs to you and has nothing to do with Lin Zhao. If you don't want the child, then make a decision as soon as possible. You have to keep one thing in mind, the child is almost four months old now " Shi Zuizui reminded her.

This means that the child has already taken shape. If Lu Wan continues to delay, Lu Wan doesn't want the child, and Lu Wan's body will be hurt.

Lu Wan nodded vigorously: "I will make up my mind as soon as possible."

Shi Shi joined the crew, and Lin Zhao also accompanied her.

Although the first TV series she participated in was as the leading actress, many people could not understand her, but because of Lin Zhao's presence, no one dared to be too obvious.

Many people want to see Shi Shi's jokes, thinking that she does not have any acting experience, and she will definitely be stage fright when she is on camera for the first time.Everyone even thinks that Shi Shi is an embroidered pillow, and it is impossible for him to have acting skills.

But after a morning, although Shi Shi's performance was a bit immature, it was also remarkable, and the producer was full of praise for Shi Shi.

Shi Shi breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Lin Zhao, but found that Lin Zhao was still distracted.

He pretended to come here to cheer her up, but his heart was not on the set at all.As for whose place it was, she could guess a thing or two.

It never occurred to her that even Lin Zhao had a change of heart and fell in love with Lu Wan.

But she thought that Lin Zhao was just playing tricks.

Originally thought that after the incident last week, the divorce between Lin Zhao and Lu Wan was settled, but at the last moment Lin Zhao was unwilling to divorce.

The two women Shi Zuizui and Lu Wan repeatedly frustrated her.She can't beat Shi Zuizui, but she doesn't believe that she can't beat Lu Wan.

After all, Lin Zhao has been chasing her for several years, but he still has her in his heart.

The most difficult thing is the child in Lu Wan's womb.Lin Zhao's heart was getting closer to Lu Wan. If Lu Wan still gave birth to that evil seed, and he and Lin Zhao would have a little more constant relationship in the future, it would be even more difficult for Lin Zhao to divorce Lu Wan in the future.

After thinking about it, she felt that there was only one way, and that was to find a way to get rid of the child in Lu Wan's womb, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

She'd have to find someone to do it, preferably in a watertight way.

(End of this chapter)

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