Chapter 538 Jealousy (7)

Shi Shi thought of one person, and that person was Dong Qi.

This kind of thing does not need to be done by yourself, it is better to borrow a knife to kill someone.

Dong Qi likes Lu Sui, as long as Dong Qi's jealousy is aroused and Dong Qi can be used by her, it is not difficult.

Dong Qi didn't expect Shi Shi to find her.

She went to a nearby coffee shop and saw Shi Shi wearing sunglasses in the corner.

"You are getting more and more beautiful." Shi Shi looked Dong Qi up and down, his red lips slightly parted.

These words are not respectful, Dong Qi is quite feminine now, and her temperament is much better than before.

"I still have to go to work, so just tell me if you have anything to say." Dong Qi said with a cold expression.

"I want you to do something for me." Shi Shi didn't talk nonsense, and stated the purpose of his trip: "You should also know that I am with Lin Zhao. But Lu Wan is pregnant with his flesh and blood, because this extra My child, Lin Zhao can't bear to divorce Lu Wan..."

"What do you want to do?!" Dong Qi's face changed slightly.

"You find a way to get close to Lu Wan and get rid of the child in her womb." Shi Shi smiled coldly.

Dong Qi's pupils constricted: "Ten years have been like a day, and you are still as vicious as before. I will not help you do this kind of unconscionable thing. People are doing it, and God is watching. I advise you to stop it! What you did back then, Don’t you get retribution now? If you don’t know how to repent until now, aren’t you afraid that one day you will be doomed and fall into the eighteenth level of hell and never be able to get out?”

"Then why didn't you stand up back then? Isn't it too fake to speak righteously in front of me now?" Shi Shi sneered: "If you don't help me, I will reveal that incident back then. Let Lu Sui know about you You also participated in the design of him, I'm afraid you won't end well either!"

"Go ahead and tell me, I've been carrying this cross for a long time, if you can help me get rid of it, I'll be grateful to you." After Dong Qi finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Shi Shi didn't expect that Dong Qi would not be under her control, and she didn't expect that Dong Qi would not be afraid of what happened back then being revealed by her.

Or did Dong Qi predict that she would not dare to tell about that incident back then?Otherwise, she would be the first person Lu Sui would not let go of.

It seems that she still has to send someone else to remove the child in Lu Wan's womb.This matter must be done very secretly, if Lin Zhao or Lu Sui find out, she will be finished.

If possible, she didn't want to touch Lu Wan. After all, Lin Zhao and Lu Sui were people who could not be offended.But without getting rid of that child, it will be even more difficult for her to marry Lin Zhao.

By the way, maybe you can look up Lin Zhao's previous romantic accounts.If you can find a woman who loves Lin Zhao, you can let this woman do it for her.

Not long after, she really found one, and that was Lin Zhao's little green girl, Sun Tian.

Sun Tian and Lin Zhao grew up in the compound of the military region and played well since childhood.It's just that Sun Tian likes Lin Zhao, even Lin Zhao himself doesn't know.

She did meet Sun Tian once.The way Sun Tian looked at Lin Zhao was just like the way she looked at Lu Sui back then, with an unconcealable love.

Is there any way to get Sun Tian from Ancheng to Bincheng?This is something to think about.

Sun Tian was a little surprised when he learned that he was suddenly transferred to work in Bincheng.

With her performance, she can be promoted. Isn't their leader out of their minds?

Although I don't know why she was transferred to Bencheng, but Lin Zhao is in that city.Thinking that she would be in the same city as Lin Zhao soon, she was so excited that she stayed up all night.

It has been many years since I last saw Lin Zhao...

(End of this chapter)

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