Gao Leng husband is very affectionate

Chapter 441 Snuggle in My Arms Obediently

Chapter 441 Snuggle in My Arms Obediently

"If...if I like you, will you like me in the future?"

After hearing what he said, Kas Yuelan felt sorry for him even more, and she also asked such a sentence inexplicably.

"...Huh? You like me?"

Situ Lingying didn't expect her to ask such a question, and she couldn't react for a while.

"I... I'm talking about if, if I like you, after I marry you, will you like me?"

Kas Yuelan shook her head in fear. It was true that she liked him, but she was also afraid of being hurt, afraid that he would think that she had deliberately gone to the wrong room to sleep with him, and then wanted to tie him up.

Don't let her misunderstand, let alone him misunderstand her.

Kas Yuelan and Lan Keqin are very similar in character, but there are also many differences.

Lan Keqin used to be pure and kind, with her own stubborn personality, but in some matters, she did not have the initiative of Kasi Yuelan.

The previous Lan Keqin was a woman who was completely weak enough to be protected, and Kas Yuelan was just as weak, but she was more brave than the previous Lan Keqin.

Of course, the current Lan Keqin is no longer a weak woman. As long as she is a woman who has not trained her body, most people will not be her opponent.

Kas Yuelan likes to chase her own happiness, but her brothers and sisters in the family have always disliked her, so she also gave up making friends with them, because the only thing she got in return was betrayal and ridicule.

"No, even if you marry me, I won't like you, I can only have due responsibilities to you."

Situ Lingying directly denied that he would not fall in love with any woman except Keqin. His heart was already deeply tied to her, and he couldn't pull it off or pull it out.

In fact, he hopes that Kas Yuelan can find a good man to marry in the future, a man who doesn't care that she is no longer a virgin and loves him. In this way, at least she will be happy in the future.

If she marries him, she will not be happy in the future. How can a marriage without love be happy?
"I'm asking a question, is that okay?"

Kas Yuelan tilted her head and said in a low voice.

Her question...was it too much?
"You ask."

His voice was still relatively cold, and the guilt in his heart made him unable to refuse her.

"If...if I like you, will you hate me?"

Kas Yuelan asked cautiously, she knew that he had never touched any woman before, and he had the same cleanliness fetish as her brother-in-law, so she was a little worried that if she liked him, she would be disgusted by him.

"Do you like me?"

Instead of being angry, Situ Lingying smiled, and he asked her back.

This little girl is really as cute and cute as Keqin.

It was he who ruined her innocence, shouldn't she be pestering him to take responsibility now?Didn't expect her to ask such a question, wouldn't it surprise him?

"I... I'm joking, hehe...!"

Kas Yuelan waved his hand, and smiled awkwardly, his smile is really charming, not ordinary good-looking.

Is she a nympho like other women?

But...she had seen him and Di Junlin before, but she had never been infatuated. Ever since she was knocked down and pulled up by him that time, she thought of him from time to time.

What exactly is going on?

She shouldn't be a nympho, but really like it, right?
Otherwise, how could she feel heartbroken when she heard that he had a beloved woman?

"That... I... I want to marry you. If you like me in the future, you will like me. If you don't like me, you can treat me as you... as your friend."

Kas Yuelan suddenly looked at him solemnly and said, she knew that her words would definitely affect her life.

In the palace, she was tired of living a luxurious but not warm life, and she didn't want to be a pawn in her father's hands in the future.

She can't be the master of her marriage at all. She has been only the object of marriage since she was born.

And Situ Lingying is not only the man she likes, but also a very powerful person. If she marries him, her father has no reason to refuse.

Then she will fight for herself selfishly. No matter whether it is happiness or pain after marrying him, she will admit it. At least she will marry the man she likes, not the one she doesn't like.

She knew that it was a bit nasty for her to think this way, she shouldn't rely on him because he took her virginity unintentionally, but she really wanted to take it for herself once, and also wanted to dissolve the desolate look in his eyes.

"...Okay, I hope you don't regret it."

Situ Lingying saw her inner struggle, and knew that she said she wanted to marry him not entirely because of today's events. She must have something else to get rid of, but he didn't care that much.

As long as she is still the innocent and lovely Cas Yuelan, as long as she has no thought of hurting him, he will give her a marriage.

"I... I won't regret it."

Kas Yuelan shook her head and said firmly that she would not regret it, even if he had the woman he liked in his heart all his life, she would not regret it either.

He doesn't like her now, but it doesn't mean he won't like her in the future. Anyway, if she likes something, she can fight for it by herself. If she doesn't fight for it, happiness won't come.


Situ Lingying felt very uncomfortable, and put on his clothes unhurriedly. His face was slightly red, and he turned his back to her body and said, "Get up and put on your clothes first, it's getting late."


She let out a blank "Oh" and blushed, the hickeys all over her body, even pajamas couldn't cover the hickeys on her neck.

God, how intense were they last night?
It's just... isn't it said that women's first time is painful?
Why can't she feel the pain in her lower body?

Could it be that after one night, even the pain disappeared?
It should be like this... right?

"I changed it, but... the hickey on my neck can't be covered, what should I do?"

Kas Yuelan looked at his back with a flushed face and said.

Going out dressed like this, with hickey marks that can't be concealed, everyone can see it, right?

"It's okay, anyway, next month is our wedding, even if they know it's okay."

Situ Lingying said lightly, suddenly he thought of something, and walked out with his arms around Kas Yuelan.

Since Keqin is married, why not make Junlin more at ease?
Just let him think that he has forgotten about Keqin and fell in love with Yuelan!
Otherwise, his love for Keqin will always be a thorn in Junlin's heart. If you want to let go, let it go thoroughly.

"Hey! You... what's wrong with you?"

Kas Yuelan didn't expect him to hug her suddenly, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Don't move, just snuggle into my arms obediently."

His voice was much gentler than before, as if the woman in his arms was his beloved.

(End of this chapter)

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