Gao Leng husband is very affectionate

Chapter 442 We are together

Chapter 442 We Are Together (1)

"Ah...? Why?"

Kas Yuelan said "ah" in surprise, his action was so ambiguous, and his voice was so gentle.

Is this still the old Situ Lingying who was cold to outsiders?
"How can there be so many reasons? You are my woman now, why not hug you?"

Situ Lingying smiled lightly.

Shouldn't this silly girl panic?She still has the mind to ask why.

"But...but..." But don't you dislike me?
Kas Yuelan spoke hesitantly, but couldn't say the next sentence.

"Okay, it's nothing but, I'm like this, I just don't want you to go out too ugly, if they know we have a one-night stand here, do you think they will laugh at you? If we go out with our arms like this, they will Think we've been fine for a while, so we wake up in a room and it's okay."

Situ Lingying said calmly, what he said was not false at all, the main reason he did this was to let Di Junlin know that he had completely let go of Keqin, and there was nothing left to do in his heart.

What's more, Kas Yuelan was originally a cute and cute girl, but now he has ruined her innocence. If she walks out of the room in a state of embarrassment, everyone may not think well of her.

Thinking about it carefully, he doesn't need to be so kind to Kas Yuelan at all. She is not his lover, so what if he destroys her innocence, he is not a passionate person, let alone a sentimental person. Only for people he cares about.

It was in his subconscious mind that he didn't want to hurt a simple girl, just like Ke Qin, if the Di Junlin she met back then was just someone who liked her body and dumped her when she got tired of playing, how sad would she be?
If he saw Keqin being toyed with by a man, he thought he would definitely kill that man. Thinking of Keqin's innocence, seeing Kas Yuelan's innocence, he thought about being responsible for her!

It's just because I don't want to ruin an innocent little girl...

Also, this is her own choice. He can give her marriage, but he will not give her the due husband and wife obligations in marriage. It was just a mistake last night. He will not continue to make mistakes, and he will not continue to touch him. woman of love.

"Oh! Thank you for thinking of me so much."

Kas Yuelan was very happy in her heart, she didn't expect that he could even think of this, leaning in his arms, feeling the fragrance of his body, she was lost in his warm chest.

This embrace is so warm and reassuring.

Kas Yuelan suddenly felt that her decision was right, and she was less and less regretful that she chose to marry him, even if it was a loveless marriage.

But she believed that as long as she was brave enough to work hard enough, she would one day touch his heart.

Since you like it, then bravely pursue it.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist, and snuggled into his arms with a bright smile on her small face, feeling his hot temperature. When she thought of such a handsome man who was as handsome as a celestial being, now she was standing next to her, And she was hugging him too, which made her feel very unreal.

It always feels unreal, like in a dream.

Sometimes she wondered, what did she like about Situ Lingying?
The intersection between her and him is only a little bit, and the number of times she has spoken can be counted on ten fingers, but every time she sees him now, her heart will be pounding wildly.

Could it be that she, like other women, just likes his appearance?I like his skin.

But... how is this possible?

If she really just likes such a skinny, she was already a nymphomaniac before, so is there any need to be a nympho now?

Ouch... I don't want to think about it anymore, it's still early in the future, in a word, if you like it, you have to fight for it.

For Kas Yuelan's active embrace, Situ Lingying's body felt a little stiff, and even resisted, but he didn't feel disgusted.

His resistance was because she was not the woman he loved, so he resisted her active embrace. As for the lack of disgust towards other women, he didn't quite understand it.

Or is it because of her simplicity and cuteness?


When Cheng Lin got up, she saw that Kas Yuelan was not in the room, and thought she had gotten up early, or was in the bathroom, so she got up quickly and went into the bathroom but did not see Kas Yuelan. Teeth, changed clothes and went out.

At this moment, many people have already got up, and everyone is sitting or standing in the hall at the moment.

Blue father and blue mother, Kasgeni and Nangong Yurou were also sitting on the sofa in the living room, each of them was holding a child in their arms, and they were teasing them happily.

"Huh? Why didn't you see Yuelan? Didn't she wake up?"

Cheng Lin walked over, but she didn't see Kas Yuelan, so she couldn't help asking.

"Isn't Yuelan sharing a room with you? We're waiting for you right now, ready to have lunch together."

Lan Keqin said in surprise, could it be that Yuelan went out for a walk?

"Ling Ying didn't come either."

Yi Xuan also found that there was one person missing, and at first glance, it was Situ Lingying.

But everyone didn't think about that. One is a well-behaved and sensible little girl, and the other is a proud and cold male god. The two of them will not do unrealistic things.

It's just that everyone's thoughts just fell, a pair of flushed and shy men and women came out of the room.

Situ Lingying's bedroom was in the most conspicuous place in front of the hall, so of course he couldn't escape everyone's eyes when he appeared with Kas Yuelan like this.

(⊙o⊙) Oh...

When everyone saw them, their first reaction was to widen their eyes, with a look of disbelief. Even the blue father and blue mother, the elders, opened their eyes wide after seeing them.

It's not the point that they came out of the same room together, the point is...they put their arms around each other's waist and came out with sweet smiles.

As their eyes slowly moved to Kas Yuelan's neck...


Everyone could almost hear himself swallowing, only Dijun Lin Junyi raised his brows slightly, and then looked at Situ Lingying for no reason.

Ling Ying's love for Ke Qin, he is the only one who knows well, he doesn't think Ling Ying will fall in love with another girl in a short time.

He also understands his cleanliness, because he used to be a man who hated women, but now he is upstairs on Yuelan's waist, and he still smiles so brightly, what's going on?

"Ling Ying! Yue Lan!"

Nangong Yurou almost watched Cass Yuelan grow up, knowing that she was a good baby since she was a child, and Situ Lingying was also known as a non-stick woman. She asked several times in a daze, but she didn't ask what she wanted. s answer.

(End of this chapter)

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