Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1006 Chapter 1025: Black Mandala, Flower of the Other Side

Chapter 1006 Chapter 1025: Black Mandala, Flower of the Other Side
"It's useless!"

Don't wait for him to rush over!

Ah Guang took a deep breath: "You can't get close, mandala is the flower of hell, ordinary people can't touch it!"


Ah Guang's words didn't have any effect at all, I saw that Linglong was like a wild beast, just bumping into the past... There was a loud 'bang', before he could react!
The whole person bounced back like this!

"Don't hit it!"

Seeing that he was about to rush over again, the people led by Lijuan quickly blocked him: "I know you are worried about what happened to Feiyue, but now is not the time to be so worried, why don't you take a look first!"

His eyes widened!
Taking a deep breath, Lijuan was also deeply worried!
"She's my sister, she's my sister!"

"Bah, she's still my mother!"

As soon as Ling Long's tone fell, Xiao Zi snorted with disdain on his face: "Now that we are in such a mess, it will only make mother more worried. Why don't you see why this hell flower came here!"

"do not know!"

Ah Guang also had a look of decadence at the moment: "This thing is of the dark type, it is opposite to me, how do I know where it came from?!"

That is, the flower of hell, also called the flower of the other shore, it is a cursed flower!

It is said that flowers and leaves do not meet each other, could it be... Thinking of this, everyone's hearts became faintly worried!

On the third day when Jun Qianhuang was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he suddenly stood up like this, his eyes were stained with deep worry, and Long Yan's heart immediately followed a spirit, and walked over fiercely, He said worriedly: "My lord, this seems to be the breath of hell!"


Hold your fist tightly!

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with deep worry!


Although this kind of breath is not strong at the tip of his nose, it is still very obvious: "What's going on, what's going on!" Both hands clenched their fists tightly!

Frowning, forming a Sichuan character!
The whole person is not feeling well!
"Could it be darkness..."

"Long Yan, protect the law, I will find a way!"

Take a deep breath!

Jun Qianhuang also has plans in her heart!
If they really met the Flower of Hell, it would be a mess!

Although Long Yan was deeply worried, he understood Jun Qianhuang's anxious heart better: "Your Majesty, remember that no matter what happens, you must remember the words of the King and Concubine, and you must also remember yourself if!"


"The concubine said that she didn't want you to become like that. Similarly, you also said that you would not let her worry and be afraid anymore. What's more, you said that you will wait for her here!"

Wait for her!

Yes, he wants to wait for her, give her a feeling of home, and give her a warm embrace!
In this way, a hope was suddenly injected into my heart!
It also injected a burst of vitality!
"Okay, don't worry, I know what I do!" Nodding her head, facing Long Yan, Jun Qianhuang didn't have much master-servant relationship, but more brother relationship!

"Chu Xiao, Chu Tian, ​​you guard the perimeter!"


Soon, the two figures disappeared in place, and Jun Qianhuang meditated again...

"Tell me, what the hell is this!"

Although Ling Long had calmed down now, the fear in his heart was deeper than anyone else's!With deep fear in his eyes, he stared at the situation in front of him~ I saw that the touch of red on Yun Feiyue's shoulder became more and more intense...

(End of this chapter)

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