Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1007 Chapter 1026: Huang, you are here

Chapter 1007 Chapter 1026: Huang, you are here

"I don't know~"

Seeing this, Ah Guang was also stunned, and stood there like this, with a trace of astonishment and a deep sense of disbelief!

I saw that the clothes on Yun Feiyue's shoulders slowly became transparent, while the fair shoulders began to turn red, so obvious, as if they were baked, one couldn't help feeling a little scared in the bottom of her heart. point!

"God, look, look!"

"Oh my God, why is there such a thing on Feiyue's shoulder? It looks exactly like that black mandala!"

"Ah, what the hell is going on!"

The black mandala on the shoulder became more and more obvious, and the red petals were like a strange blood color!Everyone couldn't help but gasp, not knowing how to describe this weird feeling!
Naturally, Yun Feiyue didn't know her situation at the moment, and she didn't hear the panic outside, but felt that her shoulder was about to be destroyed. Such pain made her whole body start to sweat!

Clenching her teeth tightly, the pain made her whole body tense up!

No, what the hell is this!
He clearly felt that the dark breath was about to envelop him, but the pain at the tip of his heart was more obvious than the pain in his body, as if... as if this flower wanted to send some message to him!

She tried her best to fight against the black mist, but she couldn't escape that terrible feeling, as if it had injected into her heart...

But... no matter how hard she tried!

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't feel what message this flower was trying to convey!

At this moment, Jun Qianhuang's gentle voice rang in her ears, which made Yun Feiyue's mind gather a bit!

Turning her head, she saw Jun Qianhuang's thin figure with a shallow smile, slightly curling her mouth: "Good boy, Yue'er can do it, you are my wife, how can you leave me?" Well, um~"


Shaking body!

Yun Feiyue only felt bursts of pain, which made her feel that her body didn't belong to her anymore!

Biting her lips tightly: "Huang, what's the matter, I always feel that my body doesn't belong to me anymore, what the hell..." His eyes were stained with deep worry, and the corners of his mouth turned pale!
Since looking at this black flower!

She felt that the flower seemed to be telling herself something~
I even felt a tingling pain in my heart, as if I had lost the most precious thing!


It slipped across her face involuntarily, and the apex of her heart was still trembling and stinging: "Huang, I... I don't know this..."

"Xiao Yue'er, I will wait for you. Remember, I will wait for you forever. Remember, no matter what happens, don't forget that you are Jun Qianhuang's wife, Jun Qianhuang's only wife! Yunfei moon!"

"Cloud Crimson Moon~"

"Yun Feiyue!"

"I am Jun Qianhuang's wife, and I am Yun Feiyue!"

Hearing Jun Qianhuang's words, Yun Feiyue murmured softly, watching Jun Qianhuang's figure slowly disappear again, seeing his face full of worry, Yun Feiyue was There was a slight smile!

"Huang, I am Yun Feiyue, your wife in this life, and your wife in the next life~"

"Yes~ Xiaoyue'er, you have to remember, you have to remember!"

Jun Qianhuang's figure became thinner and her voice became more and more anxious: "Remember, I will wait for you right here, forever~"

(End of this chapter)

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