Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1008 Chapter 1027: The Disappearance of Yun Feiyue

Chapter 1008 Chapter 1027: The Disappearance of Yun Feiyue
"Okay, Huang~ don't worry, I remember who I am!"

Clenching her gums tightly, Yun Feiyue's heart stabbed fiercely. For some reason, she had a feeling that she didn't belong to her, and she was always worried that she might forget something!
But... looking at Jun Qianhuang's eager and anxious eyes!

Her heart was gentle again: "Huang~ wait for me, definitely wait for me!"

Finally, Jun Qianhuang's figure slowly disappeared into Yun Feiyue's eyes...but her heart was aching faintly~
She is Yun Feiyue!
She is Yun Feiyue!
Repeatedly told myself in the bottom of my heart again and again!
But, for some reason, she had a faint feeling that she was about to forget something, and she seemed to think that she was about to remember something. That terrible feeling made her heart sting!
Tears flooded like a river breaking its embankment!
Yun Feiyue...

Goddess of life~

Yun Feiyue...

Goddess of life...

"Ah!" Finally, she couldn't bear the pain in her heart, and screamed violently: "No, who the hell am I!" The double figure dangled in her mind...

Sweat dripped from his forehead faintly!

Stimulating her nerves fiercely!

Clutching her chest tightly, Yun Feiyue felt that her mind was going to burst, why and what was this!
The tingling pain on her shoulders gradually eased, but the delicate red flower became more and more obvious and lifelike, as if it was about to rush out from her back~
"Xiaoyue'er, my husband is waiting for you, forever!"

A soft tone from the bottom of my heart sounded again, and Yun Feiyue's heart once again felt soft~ A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, yes, he is waiting for her~

He is waiting for her!

He is always waiting for her~
The pain caused Yun Feiyue to slowly fall into a deep sleep... As soon as her eyes darkened, she fell into a deep sleep just like that...

"God, Scarlet Moon is gone!"

"My God, what's going on!"

"Impossible, she is our contract master, how could she leave them behind!"

God, what the hell is going on!
All the beasts were completely dumbfounded!
What is the situation!
There has never been a time when the master disappeared before his eyes, but they stayed where they were...


At the same time, the scene just now completely disappeared, and a white ice and snow world was restored before the eyes again!Jun Qianhuang's figure was like an ice sculpture, sitting cross-legged on the spot motionless...

"What's wrong with the king!"

Ling Long's eyes were also stained with curiosity: "Fei Yue disappeared, but it doesn't mean she is dead, after all, we are not dead!"

"Well, it's okay!"

Jun Qianhuang slowly opened her eyes, quietly looked at the people in front of her, and said lightly: "Fei Yue just went to other places, you don't need to worry!"


Went elsewhere!
Thinking of this, Jun Qianhuang's heart trembled faintly, the pain made him indescribable!
His slender fingers gently covered his chest, and a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth: "You guys just wait here, I will definitely bring her back!"

Yes, this is the only wife in his life and afterlife!So he will never lose her. If he wants to wait here, even if it's really forever, so what?

At this moment, he only felt that his heart was empty at this moment~
(End of this chapter)

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