Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1009 Chapter 1028: Flowers and leaves never meet

Chapter 1009 Chapter 1028: Flowers and leaves never meet
"Tell me, how did she disappear!"

Having stabilized her emotions, Jun Qianhuang only felt that her heart seemed to be torn apart by something!

But he couldn't forget Yun Feiyue's pain at that moment, and she couldn't forget her telling himself that she would definitely remember, yes!He believed in his little wife!
"We don't know what's going on!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Long slowly explained the situation at that time!

Including the sudden appearance of hell flowers!
Including the mandala on Yun Feiyue's shoulder!
Including that dark breath~
He said slowly: "In the end, the flower on my sister's shoulder became more and more beautiful, but the flower of hell slowly withered. At night, the flower withered and the leaves appeared..."

Speaking of which!

He suddenly understood something in his heart!
Flowers and leaves never meet!

Flowers and leaves never meet!

So now that the flowers and leaves have appeared, wouldn't it be... Could it be that Yun Feiyue was taken away!
Long Yan also took a deep breath: "What the hell is this situation? It has never happened since ancient times!" Oh my god, could it be that the flower of hell took her away!
Could it be... the princess's previous life was the goddess of life!


How could this dark god be so selfish, the previous life and the present life are two people, okay!

"It's okay!"

Closing her eyes, Jun Qianhuang's heart calmed down instead: "Let him go and settle his mind, Xiaoyue'er will come back!"

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and everyone understood that it would be fine if they simply settled their minds, just in case... just in case, the God of Darkness forcibly seized Yun Feiyue's memory, and stuffed the memory of the Goddess of Life into it!


Now it seems that there is no other way but to wait!

Birds chirping rang in her ears, the tip of her nose lingered with green breath, and the fragrance of flowers made her feel a little relaxed. A faint smile filled her eyes, and she slowly got up like this!

Yun Feiyue's eyes are filled with the light of happiness!
At this moment, Yun Feiyue was wearing a long green dress, and her slightly curly hair was naturally draped around her waist, and she wore only this wreath woven with hundreds of flowers, which was very delicate and charming!
There is also an indescribable ease and purity on the face!

"Where's my sister!"

Slowly sitting up from the stone bed, a hundred flowers bloomed under her feet, she stood up slowly, without taking a step, she saw that the flowers became more and more delicate, and a burst of vitality radiated from her body!

"Wake up!"

Hear it!

I saw a very elegant man turning around slowly, when his slender fingers landed on the strings, he looked at her with a slight smile on his face: "Why, do you only care about your sister now? "

"You... why are you here!"

Yun Feiyue's eyes were tinged with shyness: "It's better to let people know, it's always bad!"

Speaking of this, her heart ached faintly: "You and I are supposed to be in a hostile relationship!" Frowning, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, and her fingers involuntarily touched his hands!

Slowly, she sat down close to him... There was a sad smile on the corner of her mouth!

"Hey, little green, I will protect you well, and I will definitely not let these people bully you again!" The man's gentle gaze made her beating heart slowly calm down, and the corners of her mouth parted. The arc of happiness!

"Where's Bing'er?"

Suddenly, a kind of scattered memory faintly appeared in her heart, but what was wrong, and it seemed that the source could not be found!


Yes, is that her only sister?

seems to be~
(End of this chapter)

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