Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1010 Chapter 1029: Goddess of Life

Chapter 1010 Chapter 1029: Goddess of Life
"Where is Binger!"

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes!
But there is a strange confusion in the mind, Bing'er?ice god?phoenix?Xiaoyue'er... what is all this?Unable to bear it, she stretched out her hand to cover her head slightly, with a hint of pain!
At this moment, it was as if a hole had opened!
However, she didn't know what she had missed?
Slowly, she raised her eyes, and looked at the spotless man in front of her with a little pain: "An, tell me why I feel like my memory is messed up!"


She seems to have lost a lot of memory!

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're just recovering from a serious illness, just rest!"

The man stretched out his hand and gently pulled her into his arms, with a faint smile on his lips: "Xiaolu, it's okay, it's okay, we will be together from now on, we will never be apart!"

Get close to his chest!

Listen to his shallow heartbeat!

Yun Feiyue nodded slowly, but there was a trace of doubt in her eyes: "Bing'er...she...did she really go like this?" The tone of her voice was a little weak, and the tears in her eyes once again condensed!
It turns out that everything in the original dream is real?

So, did Binger really eradicate herself?

But, why can I still stand here intact now!

"An, didn't Bing'er beat me to death? Why am I still so complete?" There was a bit of trembling and a bit of pain in the tone of her voice, as she tightly wrapped around the man's waist, feeling his breath!
Just don't know why!
But there was an inexplicable voice in my heart, I heard Huang faintly in my mind?Little Moon!

It's just that the closer she gets, the more blurred her voice becomes, making her unable to get close and suffering pain, so she can only temporarily give up this thought: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"That day, Bing'er beat you to death, so naturally she also received the most severe punishment!"

There is a touch of complexity in the eyes!
Quietly looking at the familiar face in his arms, how could his heart not tremble!
Is he wrong after all?
no no!
He just wanted to find his little green, he was not wrong!
"And you, of course I saved you with my spiritual energy!" There was a bit of seriousness in the smile, but there was also a strong determination!With his fingers, he gently stroked her face, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Finally, you are back by my side!"

Subconsciously look away!

For some reason, she felt that her heart seemed to reject his touch, she stood up slowly, with a slight smile, and said slowly: "I... I'll go to rest first, how about you?"


It's a bit embarrassing in my heart!
Feeling Yun Feiyue's embarrassment, he just smiled faintly: "It's okay, I know you are weak now, how about...I will walk around the backyard with you, don't you hope that there will be only the two of us in your future life?"

Hiss~ Yun Feiyue gasped again!

Faintly felt that these words seemed to be said by myself, but...but I don't know why in my heart I rejected it instead!

The world of two people?

Ordinarily, it should be very beautiful, but... for some reason, the apex of her heart is faintly repulsed~
"Little green!"


"Why, don't you want to be with me?"

Feeling the shallow retort from the bottom of her heart, his eyes dimmed a bit, with a little pain: "I think, some things will definitely get better!" He held her little hand again with his fingers, and there was a smile in his eyes. A touch of distress.
"Ghost Wife Don't Sleep: Husband, Play with Me" Yin Fantuan's very fun and wonderful pet article
(End of this chapter)

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