Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1014 Chapter 1033: Xiao Yueer, why is this

Chapter 1014 Chapter 1033: Xiao Yueer, why is this

"This... what is this?"

"Why do I feel very familiar, very familiar!"

Gently stroking the mark on her forehead, Yun Feiyue began to desperately try to remember, her headache did not stop her determination at this moment, she always felt that if she didn't get her memory back!
She will suffer from life to life!
Similarly, there is a man who will suffer life after life!

Such a strange feeling severely suppressed her heart, as if she couldn't breathe!
There was a gleam of determination in her eyes, and through the mirror, she seemed to see that purple figure, as if she saw the man in her dream sitting cross-legged on the ground, covered with snowflakes~
Like a rock, as if waiting for her!
Until the end of time!
"Is this God's place, can you also break in?"

Darkness, that is, the eyes of the God of Darkness are dyed with thick anger at this moment, staring at Jun Qianhuang who came uninvited, only to see that Jun Qianhuang is wearing a purple robe at this moment, and there is a trace of indescribable anger in his eyes. the light!
This made the eyes of the God of Darkness angry: "Do you think your identity is enough?"

"Enough or not, it's not up to you!"

Jun Qianhuang looked at the God of Darkness indifferently, and said coldly: "Yun Feiyue is not your little green, nor the God of Life, you have no reason to take my wife away!"

Yun Feiyue?
Yun Feiyue!
Hearing this name, it seemed that it hurt the heart of the Dark God!

His thin lips were slightly hooked, and there was a slight smile in his eyes: "Whether you admit it or not, I will resurrect her and inherit Xiaolu's memory!"


Yun Feiyue is just a reincarnation identity!

It's just a reincarnated memory!

In the end, she was still her own little green, and still his!
"Little Green, it can only be mine!" With a hoarse voice, the clusters of black anger in the eyes of the Dark God became more and more obvious: "After waiting for so many years, I finally found her back, you thought this Will God let it go?"

Look at him has reached the brink of rage!

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were still calm, with a touch of disdain, she said slowly: "No matter what you think in your heart, and no matter what you want to do, just as you said, Yun Feiyue is the reincarnation of the goddess of life, Then that proves that they are two people!"

"no no!"

The God of Darkness roared furiously, and the whole palace seemed to tremble immediately: "That's my little green too!"

"Are you and me alone, or two?"

Such a powerful style of the God of Darkness!

Jun Qianhuang's eyes were stained with disdain, and his tone was also mocking: "Could it be that you are me and I am you?"



Jun Qianhuang's words dimmed the dark god's eyes a bit!

Reincarnation is reincarnation!

How could it be myself?
But... no, his little green is the woman he cared for with his life!
"Also, your life has already come to an end, and now it's just a trace of obsession, and sooner or later you will disappear in this world, why are you willing to make Xiaolu sad?" Jun Qianhuang's eyes were full of anger !

"Even if you are willing to let Xiaolu be sad, Xiaoyue'er is my wife, Jun Qianhuang!"

Jun Qianhuang's wife!

This sentence completely awakened the God of Darkness!

His figure staggered a few steps, his eyes were full of ashes~ But, that deep unwillingness still lingered in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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