Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1015 Chapter 1034: God, is he desperate?

Chapter 1015 Chapter 1034: God, is he desperate?

It's just obsession!

It doesn't matter if you are stubborn!
Even if he only has a trace of consciousness!
He didn't want to give up just like that, his eyes suddenly began to glow lightly, and he said coldly: "Tsk tsk, you reminded me that you are my reincarnation, so it should be me!"

The smile spreads all over his face!
The tone of her voice also raised a bit of trepidation: "If I devour you, wouldn't it be the same? In this way, it doesn't matter whether she is Xiaoyue'er or Xiaolu, you and I melt, don't we?"


He wants to devour!

Yes, if he swallowed Jun Qianhuang in front of him, wouldn't it be... Thinking of this, his heart became faintly excited, and the light in his eyes flickered with a hint of fear!
Little green!

His little green!

"Want to devour me?"

Jun Qianhuang seemed to have already made preparations, with a slight smile in her eyes: "You, you can't do it now. If I want you, Nath, it's very easy for me!"


Today's God of Darkness is just an obsession!
And myself... Well, in fact, how much better is he than the Dark God in front of him at this moment?

But it's just a strand of soul!
It's just that he understands such a simple truth, at least the God of Darkness in front of him doesn't know that he is just a wisp of soul!
"very good!"

Hear it!

The God of Darkness just raised his brows slightly, with a sly smile: "I admit, I am just a strand of obsession, but a strand of obsession is not so simple!"

I saw his fingers dancing slowly in the air!

In an instant, a black light lingered around his fingertips, and began to rush towards his body with a terrifying aura...

Seeing the situation, Jun Qianhuang felt a sharp pain in her heart!

Damn, this is to use spiritual energy to shape the body. Although it is short-lived and the strength cannot reach the peak, it can be used to [-]% to [-]%!
Immediately, Jun Qianhuang felt a little worried in her heart!

If I am a normal person here, I can resist one or two, after all, the God in front of me is the God of Darkness, the real God!

But now I am just a ray of soul!
Even so, Jun Qianhuang's complexion did not change much, and the corner of her mouth still had a faint smile, as if everything that happened before her had nothing to do with her, which made the God of Darkness faintly guess!

Look at Jun Qianhuang!
He didn't relax either!

After all, it is my own reincarnation, how could it be worse than ordinary people?

"Then let me see your ability!"

There was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth, and the black spiritual energy on his body slowly gathered again, floating in the space with a terrifying aura. He raised his fingers fully, and the black spiritual energy circled around His fingers twirl~
Spinning ~ slowly forming a terrifying black sphere...

"Really? I also want to see how powerful the dark ability is!"

at the same time!

The corners of Jun Qianhuang's mouth were also slightly pursed, and there was a cold light in her eyes, and the terrifying aura all over her body rose again~
Immediately, the entire palace seemed to start to tremble, with a terrifying aura that made everyone around tremble~

Long Yan opened his eyes sharply, with deep fear: "No way, the king actually stripped his soul, you just watch it, I'll go and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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