Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1029 Chapter 1048: Boy, shame on your face

Chapter 1029 Chapter 1048: Boy, shame on your face
"Boy, don't be ashamed of your face, can you really bear the consequences? Hmm~"

The tone of voice raised slightly!

The ferocity in the eyes became more and more intense: "It seems that, sir, I want to tell you what obedience is, don't I?" Take a big step!
That greasy finger grabbed the young man viciously... The young man bit his lip, dodged, tried his best to avoid his attack, and put the herb into his arms!
His eyes widened: "If you don't know the goods, it's also a waste!"

Looking at the situation in front of them, everyone couldn't help but took a few steps back, with deep fear, well, after all, although the fat man in front of him is a little fatter, his aura is so strong!

What's more, there are several terrifying followers by his side!
"This boy is also stubborn, just sell the thing!"

"Isn't it? Really, don't you know that it's better to exchange things for silver? Maybe it can make your life better. How can someone buy it and use it? Why is he worrying so much!"

"I look at this person as stupid!"

The discussion among the crowd fueled the fat man's arrogance even more!I saw that he raised his brows nervously, said with cold meaning, "You! Okay, okay, I really want to take this thing away today, so what about you!"

Once again, he grabbed the boy's arms!
But the young man tightly guarded the herb in his arms, his eyes widened with deep worry!

At this moment, I saw Yun Feiyue striding over, raised her eyebrows a little arrogantly, and said slowly: "Young master, how do you sell this herb? I'll buy it!"

The fat man took a deep breath!

He looked at Yun Feiyue in disbelief!

"Tsk tsk, beauty, you dare to grab what the uncle wants?"

The fat man's wretched eyes immediately shifted from the boy's body to Yun Feiyue's body, with a strange expression: "Hey, hey, not bad, not bad, good stuff, good stuff!"

"Okay you big bastard!"

Hear this!

Yun Feiyue's eyes were full of anger!
She is no cargo!

What's more, the appearance of the fat man in front of him made people even more angry. He took a step, raised his palm, and slapped his fat face hard with two 'papa' sounds~
His face suddenly swelled up!
With a red mark on his face, it's very funny!

Yun Feiyue raised her brows, and said coldly: "Remember, if this happens next time, it won't be as simple as two slaps!"

"you you……"


Seeing that he was being bullied, the minions behind him rushed out, and just as they were about to rush towards Yun Feiyue, the fat man waved his hand, making the people behind him stop moving, but the anger on his face was still so obvious !

The fat man stuck out the tip of his tongue, and gently licked the bloodshot corner of his mouth!

His eyes became more and more excited!
"Tsk tsk, such a beauty is what people like!"



Look at the way in front of you!
The people around couldn't help watching the excitement even more, they all tried their best to stay away from the scene, widened their eyes, and held their breath, as if they were afraid that they would miss something!

Yun Feiyue shrugged indifferently, and raised her eyebrows: "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in such a fat pig, but I am interested in this thing in this boy's arms, how about it?"
Thank you for the reward, dear rudder master who regards you as life~~ Meme,
Thank you ﹏泪满满城°Dear rudder master for rewarding~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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