Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1030 Chapter 1049: Want to grab?no way

Chapter 1030 Chapter 1049: Want to grab?no way

Pointing his finger slightly at the herb in the young man's arms: "My little brother, although I'm not very familiar with this thing, but my master is a pharmacist, so naturally I know a little bit, why don't you show it to me, how about it?"

His eyes were stained with a faint smile!
Without waiting for the boy to say anything, he continued, "If you can, why don't you show it to me, how about it?"

The slight smile in his eyes, but for some reason, the young man couldn't help but relax a little bit, and nodded slightly: "Of course it's possible!"

"Thank you!"

Nodding, watching the boy slowly take out the black thing from his arms!

"Hey, it's really embarrassing for you to say that you are a big man cheating a girl!"

"Girl, what is the value of this dark thing? You must know that this place is full of fakes. There are everyone, and there are many liars!"

"That's right, that's right, the girl can't listen to his nonsense, what kind of magic grass!"



Listening to the slander against the young man, Yun Feiyue's eyes were half-closed, but she was very disdainful in her heart!
When this fat man wanted to humiliate himself just now!
where are they!
Now come out to pretend to be a good person?

Typical bullying!

"This girl is willing to be deceived, so what?" With a pair of cold eyes, with deep disdain, she said slowly: "This girl has a lot of money! What's more, you haven't read anything, so how can you say it's fake?" , just rely on your ideas! It's ridiculous!"

The look of disdain in the eyes became more and more intense!

Just now she admitted that she was worried about this young man, but the more specific target was the black thing in his hand, which looked inconspicuous, but Yun Feiyue clearly felt a familiar aura from this thing!

What's more, the faintly flickering light let her know clearly that the value of this thing is probably not just as simple as the divine grass!

"Girl, we are all kind-hearted, is it really kind of you?"

"I don't need your kindness!"

Rolling his eyes: "Bullying the soft and afraid of the hard? Bah!"



These words made everyone look embarrassed. Although they were unhappy in their hearts, they didn't have the nerve to continue saying anything!
Just snorted softly, showing a bit of embarrassment, just shut up and stop talking!

"Here, take a look!"

There was some hesitation in the boy's eyes at first, but looking at Yun Feiyue in front of him, he really didn't doubt it, and his heart felt a little relieved, and the smile also had a kind of kindness: "Girl, why don't you go first?" Look, I don't know the price either!"

Embarrassed smile!

In fact, apart from knowing that this is a divine herb, he just doesn't know much about it!
Seeing this, Yun Feiyue nodded slowly, put the herb in her hand and weighed it slowly: "Do you really want to sell this thing?" She stretched out her hand and looked at it several times!

have to say!

This boy really likes this herb very much!

Except that the roots were stained with a thick layer of soil, the herbs were not even damaged at all!

Just... look at this herb!
The bottom of Yun Feiyue's heart was a little excited, and there was a light of excitement in her eyes~
"Yes, yes!" The boy nodded earnestly: "Young lady, just set a price!"

"Wait!" Right now!
The fat man who was neglected rushed over, with a look of unwillingness: "Huh, I bought the first thing, so of course it's mine!" With his fat palm, he grabbed the herb. ...

(End of this chapter)

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