Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1031 Chapter 1050: Dare to come!tut tut

Chapter 1031 Chapter 1050: Dare to come back!tut tut

"Hmph, no one dares to snatch things from me yet!"

Seeing the fat man's fat palm stretched out, Yun Feiyue's eyes flickered with displeasure, she raised her hand and slapped down on the back of his fat hand...

A crisp sound of 'pop' sounded here~
The fat big hand slapped away fiercely, and the back of the hand suddenly swelled up and turned red!

'Boom! ' A bang!
The fat man felt as if his head had exploded!

The whole person is also a little gloomy!

Repeatedly bullied a woman several times!

Immediately, he also felt that his face was lost, and the anger in his eyes also became angry: "Damn, I really think that the young master is a dead thing!"


He admitted that he was not very optimistic about this herb!
But... Looking at Yun Feiyue's rare face, he always felt that he was at a disadvantage!This thing is definitely more than this value!What's more, it's such a humiliation to a young girl!That male chauvinism suddenly appeared!

"Master, let us go up and teach her a lesson!"

"Yes, yes! Our young master dares to grab something!"

"Master, let's take this chick back, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, this woman doesn't know what's good or bad, and I don't care about her, so I'll take her back!" The fat man raised his brows nervously, looking at the people around him who didn't dare to move, with a faint feeling in his heart. Excited!
"You... how can you people do this!"

Seeing that these people were about to be caught, the boy's eyes were also stained with anger!

He rushed out quickly, and stood in front of Yun Feiyue: "You can't be too arrogant!" Open your hands, like a hen protecting a chick!

"Haha, hahaha! Just such a waste!"

Seeing this, the fat man's face became even more frightened, and he said disdainfully: "Tsk tsk, trash is trash, and you still want to protect this woman, come on, catch this trash for me too, just right, I like this young master!"

"Trash! Hahaha, trash is trash!"

"Come on, take these two away for the young master, and the young master will reward you!"


The people behind the fat man began to rush towards Yun Feiyue and the young man with all their teeth and claws...

I saw that the young man was not ready to move at all, and tried his best to gather the aura that was not much in his body: "Girl, take the herbs and go!"



Hearing this, Yun Feiyue's face darkened: "You don't want the money for this herb anymore?"

"Yes, definitely! But now it seems that there is no other way!"

The young man glanced at it reluctantly, and then pushed Yun Feiyue into the crowd: "Hmph, even if I'm a waste, I can't let you do whatever you want!"


I saw him rushing towards the group of big men...

Seeing this situation, Yun Feiyue's face darkened slightly... I have to say, I am still very grateful from the bottom of my heart!
"Hey, I don't need your help!" Hiding the herb in her arms, she jumped over and gently jumped into the fighting circle. At this moment, there were traces of blood on the young man's body!
Even his wrists were bruised and swollen!
It's just that there is no wound on the face, it is obvious that this person did it on purpose!

"Why are you here again... These people are not good people!" Seeing that Yun Feiyue was actually standing in front of him, it was impossible to say that he didn't dare to move, but... now he is even more worried. Will it hurt her...

(End of this chapter)

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