Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1035 Chapter 1055 : The King of God ordered that all things surrender

Chapter 1035 Chapter 1055 : The King of God ordered that all things surrender

"What, did you think of Mu Ran?"

Looking at Yun Feiyue's slightly worried eyes, Jun Qianhuang's heart also felt faintly distressed, walked over, and wrapped her in her arms: "You, it's just nostalgia, but it's okay!"

"Huang, thank you!"

"Well, don't you want to kiss your husband?"

"You're the only one!"

"Ma'am, be good!"

"No kiss!"

"Then I will kiss you for my husband!"

Seeing Yun Feiyue's arrogant appearance, Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but chuckled lightly, and simply took her into her arms!
He stretched out his hand and gently caressed her face: "I love you for my husband, isn't it okay?"

Don't wait for her to react!
Jun Qianhuang quickly kissed her delicate red lips!
His pupils were stained with a somewhat derisive smile!
"You're always up to no good!"

After waiting for him to take a look, the slight smile in his eyes was very obvious, and he said slowly: "By the way, then the narcissus lord is probably having an affair with the upper realm, why don't we go and see?"

"It's unnecessary to follow, so as not to startle the snake, but there may be some movement recently!"

"Did you find anything?"

"Yeah!" Nodding, Jun Qianhuang's eyes became more serious, and she said slowly, "If I'm not mistaken, there seems to be a strange phenomenon recently, but it's not very obvious, just take a look in a few days !"

"Oh? That's fine, I just happened to refine the elixir for him!"

"Three days?"

"It's not necessary for three days, but it's almost enough!"

"Tsk tsk, my wife's refinement of pills is not a matter of minutes, but it will take three days?" Jun Qianhuang couldn't help it, and there was a bit of inexplicable jealousy in Jun Qianhuang's eyes: "It seems that this kid Fortunately, I let you take care of it!"

"Huang, you!"

The fingers of the figure poked his chest fiercely!

He said very unwillingly: "Don't forget, I am refining pills for you every day, aren't you afraid that you will ruin yourself?"

"how could be!"

Seeing that his wife seemed to be angry, Jun Qianhuang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked at Yun Feiyue with a smile on her face: "Be good, be good, it's okay if I was wrong! Ma'am, don't be angry, How can your old man eat me badly!"


Seeing Jun Qianhuang like that, Yun Feiyue couldn't help but chuckled!

His eyes were also tinged with happiness: "It's good to know, that lady is going to refine the elixir right now! Uh-huh!"

"Yes, send off madam!"

Bend over!
With a respectful expression on Jun Qianhuang's face, she watched Yun Feiyue leave~ Afterwards, she slightly raised a happy smile. With her in her life, there seemed to be a lot of happiness!

At this moment, there was a slight fluctuation in the air, and Chu Xuan's figure slowly appeared in front of Jun Qianhuang's eyes, and he stood there respectfully!His face was a little nervous: "I'm afraid there's a lot of noise this time!"


Hear it!

Jun Qianhuang turned around slowly, walked to the edge of the window sill, her eyes were serious: "Tell me, what did you find?"

"King, there is a rumor recently, I don't know if the king has heard of it!"

Think for half a minute!

Only then did Chu Xuan slowly say: "God King orders out, all things surrender!"

"The god king orders? All things surrender?"


Take a deep breath!

The indifference in Jun Qianhuang's eyes became more and more intense, and she held her finger on the window sill slightly, but her eyes had already looked towards nowhere, and for a long time... there was no movement at all!

(End of this chapter)

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