Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1036 Chapter 1056: The bloody storm seems to be coming

Chapter 1036 Chapter 1056: The bloody storm seems to be coming

1056 chapter

The god king orders, all things surrender!
Read and explore this sentence over and over again!

After a while, Jun Qianhuang finally made any movement: "It seems that the unearthed God King Order is true, but everything is done step by step, and no actions are allowed, understand?" There was a bit of teasing in her eyes!

The tone of voice is also a bit cold!
He wants to see who cares so much about this so-called god king order!
In the end, we have to see who spread the news of the God King Order!
"Yes, king!"

After Chu Xuan heard the words, he didn't have any extra words, and his figure slowly disappeared into the space~
Jun Qianhuang was lost in thought!
What is the reason for all this?

And who spread the news?

"Little Lord!"

Lu Ba's eyes were stained with a rare look of sadness, and his whole voice was lowered a little: "What is this God King Token? Why is everyone spreading it like this!"

"Lu Ba!"

Young Master Lian's eyes are still as cold as before!
Slowly sitting in front of the piano stand, plucking the strings lightly with his slender fingers, closing his eyes slightly, only to see a series of crisp and moving tones slowly flowing down from his fingertips...

It seems that nothing in the outside world has anything to do with me!
"Hey, young master, you should talk about it!"

Seeing Young Master Lian's indifferent attitude, Lu Ba became more and more worried in his heart!

The whole person almost jumped: "The people from the upper world seem to come here for this thing, and we cooperate with them. The more I think about it, the more worried I become!"

"Oh, doesn't Lu Ba know what meditation is?"


Meditation, what the hell is that!
Hearing this, Lu Ba felt uncomfortable all over his body!

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the top of his head fiercely, and said fiercely: "Come on, young master, you should punish me! This meditation thing has nothing to do with me!"

"God King orders, all things surrender!"

Hear it!

Lu Ba still had a puzzled expression on his face!

"This sentence has gone crazy recently, don't you know Lu Ba?"

"Of course I've heard of it!"

"Well, it's good to know! The unearthing of the God King Order is a big event, and it can make everything in the world tremble!"

"Hiss~" These words made Lu Ba gasp!

His eyes were stained with incredulity: "Is this Divine King Order so powerful?"

"So, everyone's heartbeat is the same, why should you worry?" Young Master Lian slowly stopped the rhythm of her fingers, and slowly placed them on the strings, but her eyes looked into the distance: " I don't know if it's true or not?"


Now Lu Ba also reacted: "Could it be that this is a deliberate rumor by someone with a heart?"

"Whether it's intentional or not, I don't know, but this sentence existed thousands of years ago. It is said that there are a large number of god kings sleeping in the ground somewhere!"

These words almost made Lu Ba spit out a mouthful of old blood~
A god king can be fatal!
There will be a wave of god kings!

Well, thankfully it was a long sleep!
"However, this God King Token can wake up this big wave of God Kings and use them!"



Suddenly, Lu Ba felt that the whole world changed color!

Well, it seems that this bloodbath is inevitable again~
"Okay, put away your thoughts, what we need to do now is to find the God King's Order~" After finishing speaking, Young Master Lian's eyes were also stained with a bit of deep worry~ It's just that all these hopes can still be maintained!

(End of this chapter)

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