Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1038 Chapter 1058: The whereabouts of the ice fox

Chapter 1038 Chapter 1058: The whereabouts of the ice fox
"it is good!"

Take a deep breath!

Hibiscus clenched her fists tightly!

"There's no need to decide! Since my mother has no worries, why do I have to worry!" Gritting my teeth tightly, I said seriously!
Look at his determined appearance!
Yun Feiyue nodded slightly: "Then take this elixir first and recuperate your body!"



Look at this elixir!
Hibiscus was dumbfounded again!

This... doesn't this mean washing the marrow and cutting the tendons!

How is conditioning the body!

The dementia on Hibiscus's face!

Can't help but make Yun Feiyue chuckle: "Washing the marrow and cutting tendons is not something that ordinary people can use, not to mention that the effect of my elixir is stronger than half of the elixir. If you want to have a higher success rate, what do you think? Is it really okay to have a dry body?"


With a touch of teasing!
"Okay, take it, go back to your room to adjust the breath first, and set off with us in two hours! After adjusting the breath for ten days, use the pill of washing marrow and cutting tendons!"


Mu Jin said seriously: "Ma'am, Mu Jin will only recognize you as the master in this lifetime!"


The moment he was about to swear, Yun Feiyue's eyes changed!
She is too familiar with this ray of light!

Do not!
Do not!
She can't ruin a numbness!
Also destroy a hibiscus!
What's more, Mu Jin's family background is very unusual, he~doomed not to be single!


Take a big step!
Holding his hand, he interrupted his oath, took a deep breath, and his eyes were stained with seriousness: "What I need is a partner, and I already have a knight!"


Muran is special!

Forever she will only have such a special existence!

"If you really want to repay me, then I believe you also know your position in the Mu family!"

Her tone began to say calmly: "The Mu family is a big family, if you can take down the Mu family, it will also be a help to me!"

She was just talking!

After all, the Mu family does not belong to the domain of gods and evil spirits!
"Okay, Madam, Hibiscus will definitely repay you in the future!" Nodded!

Mu Jin also put away her thoughts just now, and said seriously: "I will definitely fulfill my promise!" As he spoke, he saw a ray of light slowly rising from under his feet... body wrapped together!
This is a blood oath!

Yun Feiyue couldn't help but tremble in her heart!
He... why did he do this!

Nodded: "Alright, let's get ready!"

In response, Mu Jin left the room, leaving only Yun Feiyue with a blank expression on her face: "You said people surnamed Mu are all lumps of wood? You can do anything? Don't you know you regret it!"

"Isn't that the charm of your personality?"

Looking at Yun Feiyue, there seemed to be a heavy heart in her heart!
Jun Qianhuang laughed softly: "Hey, my wife is very capable, so why not prove my ability like this?"

"Well, is there a way to go next?"

"Let's walk along this ice field. I always feel that the movement here is very special recently. Just pay attention to safety along the way!"


Nodding her head, Yun Feiyue seemed to remember something!
She said frightenedly: "Actually speaking, we are not at a loss, do you know? This black one is... actually an ice fox!"

Jun Qianhuang was dumbfounded by these words!

This...is this ice fox?

Well, he didn't think about it either!

Looking at Yun Feiyue's shining eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed in his heart, stretched out his hand, and rubbed the top of her head: "This way, isn't it good? It doesn't take much effort! "


Nodding, but there is still a little worry in the eyes: "This ice fox is all black, and his life is dying~"

(End of this chapter)

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