Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1059: Awakening of the Ice Fox

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1059: Awakening of the Ice Fox
Dying? !
Dying? !
Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang's heart skipped a beat!
If it is said that the ice fox is dead!
Isn't it... nothing!
"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" After thinking for a while, Yun Feiyue took Jun Qianhuang's hand, and just disappeared in place!

At this moment, the space of the entire bracelet is no longer what it used to be. Looking at the large space, it is actually much larger than the entire Shensha domain. Jun Qianhuang couldn't help but said softly: "Tsk tsk, who said I This king has the greatest power, it seems that you have a mobile space here at any time!"

"Huh? Are you envious?"

"Naturally I envy my lady!"

"Very good, I will develop this place into a formal space when I find a chance, so that I will be the queen!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Hearing this, Jun Qianhuang immediately followed her words, bowed slightly and made a big salute: "Your Majesty the Empress, is your husband the Empress?"


He raised his brows: "Well, I have to think about it, I think Muran is better than you! Well, Nan Jiuqing is also good~"


A certain person began to snap his fingers one by one, and even Young Master Lian came!

Immediately, Jun Qianhuang's complexion couldn't be darker!
He took her into his arms fiercely, bent down and sealed her chattering little mouth like this~

This damn stupid woman!
Want another man?

There is no door!

No, there are no cracks in the door!

Uh~ The sudden obliviousness made Yun Feiyue obsessed for a bit, just looking at Xiao Zi's twinkling eyes... With a 'boom', the whole mind suddenly exploded!

The face is as rosy as a flower blooming!
"Alright, let's go see the ice fox first!"

Turning his face, the hot feeling was still so obvious, he stretched out his hand to gently cover his chest, followed his own breath, and then said: "It's getting worse and worse!"

With a light pooh, he turned his head and left his embrace like this, revealing a long cold light, and said slowly: "Xiaotian, how is the ice fox doing now?"


Hearing this, Xiaotian's soft voice came over: "The ice fox is so pitiful, I put it on the third floor now, it will be better if the two are together!" Blinking his eyes, Xiaotian The sky is full of distress!

"It's all dark, but mother and this ice fox are predestined, if it's all dark, there will be no salvation!"

"Go, go and see!"

"Mmm, um, mother, come with me!"

Xiao Tian quickly led Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang towards the place where Binghu was!

Sure enough, the leaves of the two ice foxes were outside, but they were planted separately, but they stayed together like glue. The dark ice fox seemed to have recovered a little bit of breath!
At least, it's not as dark as before!

"Huang, it seems that we are really lucky, and it has recovered a lot now!" His eyes were tinged with excitement: "I hope they can get healthy soon!"


Xiaotian held Yun Feiyue's hand, and said slowly: "Let's go, in such an environment, they can recover slowly, but it will take a little longer, so don't disturb their quietness!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang also looked at each other!
Slightly smiled: "Okay, anyway, there is Xiaotian here, we have to leave this inn later, Xiaoyue'er, don't worry!"


Nodding her head, there was a bit of excitement in her eyes~

(End of this chapter)

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