Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1040 Chapter 1060: Looking for the whereabouts of the God King Order

Chapter 1040 Chapter 1060: Looking for the whereabouts of the God King Order
A group of people walked slowly along the large ice lake in the snowy plain!
Under Yun Feiyue's conditioning, Mu Jin became much healthier, her face turned rosy, her whole body became more refreshed, and her temperament became more cheerful: "Your Majesty, Feiyue, you are going to follow this path." Looking for movement?"

"Well, what happened?"

"I heard that there is a huge sea area facing the back, and there seems to be an obvious change there!" Slightly raised his brows: "I also vaguely heard those people mention it, it seems that around that sea area, the king of gods Order to be unearthed!"

Hearing this, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang looked at each other!
Eyes full of incredible~

After a while: "It seems that they are all heading for that piece of sea!" Nodding, the two of them also understood something in their hearts!
After all, the auras of those strong men are indeed coming in this direction!

If... the news of the Divine King Order is true, I'm afraid this matter will be troublesome!

But, if this news is false!
So, who is making up this story, and what is his goal?

The two couldn't help but fell into silence for a short time~
Although the speed of the group was not fast, they were very close to the sea area that Mu Jin was talking about. It took only two days for the group to reach the sea area!
Rent a big boat!
The sea was rough and there were pieces of ice floating everywhere. It must be said that even with their physique, they could clearly feel a bit of coldness!Jun Qianhuang put that thick fur cloak on Yun Feiyue's body!
Then she pulled back the thick fur collar, and covered her little hand with both hands: "Is it still cold like this?"

"Well, it's not cold anymore!"

She raised a slight smile, looked tenderly at the man in front of her who loved her as always, and a sweet ripple appeared in her heart: "By the way, this sea area is really big!"

Take a deep breath!

She seemed to feel the breath of the sea, and the feeling of happiness in her eyes became more and more intense!

"younger sister!"

At this time, Ling Long stood there excitedly: "I want to go to the bottom of the sea to have a look, and bring back all the things that can be used, and see if there is any news that can be used by the way, how about it?"


This is the place he only yearns for!
Compared with the Yinyang Lake in the space, it is not a star and a half!
But there is still Yinyang Lake in the bottom of the sea, after all, Yinyang Lake is too monotonous, isn't it?

"Okay, then go find something that works and create an underwater world!" She has not forgotten the magnificent underwater world, but there is peace under her Yinyang Lake, which naturally makes her brother a little flustered!

"Mujin, ten days have passed, and your physical condition has recovered!"

Turning around, Yun Feiyue looked at Mu Jin, and said seriously: "Take this elixir! It's time to wash the marrow and cut the tendons!"


A purple round pill appeared in the center of Yun Feiyue's palm, and there was a burst of fragrance from that round pill!
Even the breath of the whole person is a little excited!

This made Mu Jin's heart full of excitement: "Oh my god, is this the pill you refined, Fei Yue?"

God damn it!
Recently, he has been taking it for ten days in a row, which has already made him understand that the effects of these medicines are not the ones that can be bought outside!


Woohoo, there was a mistake in the last chapter, and it has been revised. Please read it again after reading it, and there is no need to charge for the second time!
(End of this chapter)

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