Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1041 Chapter 1061: No, I want to live

Chapter 1041 Chapter 1061: No, I want to live
"Well, take this marrow-washing and tendon-washing elixir first, and after everything is better, you can take these restored elixirs in different doses, brother, I will leave this matter to you, and you can't let any accidents happen to Mujin. !"


Give Ling Long all the other pills!
"Yes, brother, I will definitely complete this task!"

Patting her chest, Linglong was very satisfied with her appearance at the moment!
Hibiscus' eyes were filled with excitement!

The corner of the mouth raised slightly: "Then thank you for everything!"

"Here are a few bottles of elixirs, you can use them to avoid getting hurt outside!" He took out a few more bottles of elixirs and handed them to the two of them. After admonishing them gently, he watched them leave~


Seeing his wife planning for others like this!

After all, Jun Qianhuang felt a little distressed in her heart: "I will love myself more in the future, do you understand?"

"not worried!"

Take a deep breath!

Yun Feiyue also relaxed a bit: "If Hibiscus can recover sooner, it's not a bad thing, is it! Why are you making such a miserable look! Hmm~"

"Silly girl!"

A low sigh: "However, I must be able to protect you comprehensively!"

The icy sea water seems to be able to completely bury one's body, only to see a small figure struggling to swim towards the shore!

Oh oh oh!
It’s so cold!

Woooooo, don't die!


Where have you been!

That little body was struggling to swim, but the pain in the body was still so obvious!

He couldn't tell whether it was tears or sea water, and his face was wet!
I vaguely remember how warm my mother was, and how loving my father was, but... all disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if I had never been there!
The icy lake stung his shins!

It also made him wake up. I remember that the last scene was that his father took him to play on the shore, but he retreated tired and fell asleep. When he woke up again, his father disappeared, and he accidentally rolled into the sea~

Originally, he wanted to go back to the shore!
But... the voices of father and mother came faintly from my ears: my child, run away, run away, don't look back, don't look back!

Dear son, mother loves you, but remember, this is not your home, you can't turn back~

Son, you are strong, you can save your parents only if you live, and live hard!

Those weak voices were obviously strong!

This made the child seem to be more determined, but he didn't realize that so many monsters behind him were staring at him greedily, following him, trying to devour his body~

He doesn't even know!
His body emitted a golden light!
Completely devoured those terrifying monsters~ The body was covered with a layer of rich purple light, and then slowly disappeared in his body~

At this moment, a roar came from the child's ears: "This little bastard still dares to run, grab it, grab it!"

"Hmph! It's a joke to run away without a father or a mother!"

"Patriarch, we must kill this bastard!"

Cruel sprinting to his eardrum~

He didn't need to look back, he could clearly tell that this was his closest relatives, uncles, even brothers and sisters~ Hehehe, what did he do wrong!
What did parents do wrong again!
Swimming vigorously!

He clearly felt the waves of sea water behind him accelerate, and Nuo Da's boat was already heading towards him, as if it was going to hit him to death!

If it wasn't for his flexible body, he might have become a corpse by now, sinking into the bottom of the sea, right?
(End of this chapter)

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