Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1066: He is no longer alone 1

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1066: He is no longer alone

Recognize ancestors?

Recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors!

These four words seemed to stimulate Wen Rui's heart!
His eyes were suddenly stained with scarlet blood, but a black aura faintly emerged from the corner of his mouth~ Slowly let go of Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang's hands!

Half a step forward!

Seeing the sudden situation, Yun Feiyue was nervous and worried, and called softly!
"Brother Rui'er!" At the same time, Xiao Zi was also a 'thud' with deep worries...

It seems to feel their worry!
Wen Rui's trace of blood has faded a lot, but it is still so terrifying, his eyes do not move, he is staring at the end of his clothes tightly, with an evil curve on the corner of his mouth: "Tsk tsk, do you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors? "

Four words!
But it made him tear his heart apart!

It seems to feel the helplessness of mother!

Seems to see his father's worries!

It seems to see him wanting to kill himself time and time again!
The fear of dying has made him numb since he was a child!
But what about his parents!

Died at the hands of these people who kept claiming to recognize their ancestors!
Clenching his fists tightly with his fingers, he raised his head abruptly, with a strange aura on his body, which made Jun Qianhuang's heart tremble~ With a sudden step, he tightly held Wen Rui's little hand: " Rui'er, it's not worthwhile to hurt yourself for these people!"

"Ruier, remember your parents' hatred, remember your parents' hope!"

Jun Qianhuang's voice is not heavy, even very slight!

The big hand was holding his soft little hand softly, and an invisible force was pouring in continuously, trying to suppress the anger and hatred in Wen Rui's heart as much as possible!

Yun Feiyue also walked over in a hurry!

Looking carefully at Wen Rui, who was a little riotous in front of him: "Rui'er, you are not alone now, so you need to know that someone really cares about you, do you understand?"

"Brother Rui'er, don't scare me!"

A sound of caring!

Coupled with the continuous input of Jun Qianhuang's feather energy, he finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart, but his eyes stared coldly at the members of the You family: "Remember, you don't have the face to let me recognize my ancestors. Zong, I will never forget the enmity between my parents!"

"Youjia! I, Wen Rui, will be flattened one day!"

The tone is very gentle!
But it made everyone couldn't help but contract in their hearts, that piercing pain, as if they saw that this was a demon from hell!
"Young master, look, he is a monster, he is a monster!"

"Young master, what can you say to such a monster, it will destroy our foundation for thousands of years!"

"That's right! What's the matter of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors? He has already given up on the You family, killed him, killed him!"

Immediately, the members of the You family seemed to start to riot, and everyone was hostile to Wen Rui in front of them... Immediately, Yun Feiyue and Jun Qianhuang felt a 'thump' in their hearts, not knowing what was going on!

However, they still subconsciously want to protect Wen Rui!
Feel their kindness!

Wen Rui's eyes gradually calmed down, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became much quieter.

Seeing this, Jun Qianhuang also breathed a sigh of relief!

Just looking at the people of You's family, they became more and more cold: "Then I'll wait for you to come over and do it, how about it?" Fingers hooked a strand of hair slightly, playing with it full, evil eyes were stained with What a terrifying light~
(End of this chapter)

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