Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1047 Chapter 1067: Offending the You family, courting death

Chapter 1047 Chapter 1067: Offending the You family, courting death


Hearing this, this completely angered the members of the You family!

I saw You Yiwen snorted coldly: "Very good, if you fight against our You family, then we will not be polite!" As he said, he gave in one by one, and the man behind rushed out!

With a trembling barbarism!

"Tsk tsk, fight against our You family, boy, I think you are tired of your life!"


The aura from all over his body was released in numbers, and he charged towards Jun Qianhuang fiercely...

It's just... Before everything could react, Xiao Zi raised a strange aura: "You can handle my father too, what a joke!" As she spoke, the aura quickly condensed in her palm, carrying a A strong momentum... slashed towards the man fiercely~
"This... what is this!"

"Oh my god, this... this is purple lightning!"

"Damn it, what the hell is this little thing!"

The group of people stared wide-eyed, before they had time to react, they saw that purple thunderbolt fiercely landed on the flying man~
A loud bang~
I saw that the man was scorched black and fell heavily on the deck~
"Ah, Great Elder! Great Elder!"

"Young master, it's not good, the Great Elder attacked them!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed up and helped the Great Elder up, their eyes were stained with panic, although the Great Elder was still alive, but...they also clearly felt that the breath of the Great Elder was very weak ~
There was a 'click'!
This made everyone's hearts twitch a little bit!

Just a milk baby!
Just a milk baby!
Throwing thunder and lightning out of nowhere?

The Great Elder was blown up!
This... who can believe that if it is said!

"Tsk tsk, it's not fun to hit it just once!" Xiao Zi pouted her lips as if she was not satisfied: "Father, mother, Xiao Zi still wants to play!"



Hearing this, everyone was speechless!
Even Yun Feiyue couldn't help rolling her eyes!
"If you like it, just play it. You don't have to be polite to these things that want to show off in front of this deity!"

Jun Qianhuang smiled faintly, and stretched out her hand to hold the demented Wen Rui: "Rui'er, remember, facing such people, you can only be more vicious than them! Of course, the backing is also stronger!"

"Yes, uncle!"

Wen Rui nodded!
There is a ray of firm light in the eyes!

He will not be a waste, he must break through the limit!

"Brother Rui'er, don't be afraid that I will be here in the future!" Xiao Zi patted her chest in a milky voice, and snorted seriously, and then said viciously to the members of You's family: "Short oil, Dalei!" It's raining, I'm collecting my clothes~"



Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded again!
It's just that before they could react, it seemed that everyone was completely terrified~
I saw Xiao Zi's small figure jumping up into the air like this, raising her pink hand, and suddenly a purple lightning condensed in the palm of her hand, but she was not in a hurry to head towards that ship. drop~
Instead, it hit the surface of the sea fiercely, forming huge waves immediately~
Fiercely rushed towards their ship board...

"Aiyou, Aiyou, it's really raining, mother, look quickly, mother!"

"My God, they are so pitiful, they are going to be drowned!"

"Mother... look!"

Listening to Xiao Zi's muttering, Yun Feiyue suddenly felt that Xiao Zi was very cute... Is this damn thunder and rain?

(End of this chapter)

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