Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1048Chapter 1068: Waste without aura at all?

Chapter 1048Chapter 1068: Waste without aura at all?
"Hey, it's not good, I lost control, the sea water is going to submerge the boat!" Xiao Zi danced her pink arms, having fun~
The faces of the members of the You family here are as dark as the bottom of a pot!
Seeing the waves coming fiercely~ This made You Yiwen's heart even more angry: "Go, teach this little Zi a lesson, and let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

"Yes, young master!"

A few guards behind him also charged over fiercely one by one!

A series of rays of spiritual energy were released from the body... They fell fiercely towards Xiao Zi in mid-air... But Xiao Zi flexibly dodged these rays of light, and laughed happily!

"Hey, I can't hit it, I can't hit it!"

"Hahaha, mother, these people have bad eyesight, they can't hit me!"

"Ah, mother, these people are so pitiful, their clothes are all wet, why don't Xiao Zi dry them?" Blinking her eyes, she innocently showed a strange face at Yun Feiyue!

While dodging their attacks flexibly!
"Okay, Xiao Zi, pay attention to safety, you can play however you like, even if the sky breaks, you will have your mother's support!"

"Okay, mother!"


I saw Xiao Zi raised the aura in her hand again, but saw that purple lightning suddenly turned black... That terrifying aura made everyone unable to bear the fear in their hearts!

"God~ What the hell is this!"

"Ah, what a powerful aura, who are they!"

"No, don't, help!"

With a loud bang, it slammed down towards that ship, and everyone started to hug their heads, dodging like headless flies...

Begging for mercy~!

One sound, breaking through the sky!
But Xiao Zi was excited as if she had found something fun!

Look at Xiao Zi's excited look!

Listen to Yun Feiyue's very supportive words!
Immediately, Wen Rui felt a little envious in her heart. Only with the support of such strong parents can she develop Xiao Zi's arrogant personality, which made her feel a little envious~
"Go, let's go!"

With deep anger in You Yiwen's black eyes, he stared at Yun Feiyue firmly: "Very good, this time my You family will remember it!"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid you won't remember!"

Yun Feiyue took a step forward, and said coldly: "I will definitely go to the City of Black Water, and the You family will remember me when the time comes!"

City of Blackwater!

City of Blackwater!

This place is the place she hates the most in her life!


Seeing the black lightning strike precisely on his ship, several places on the deck were damaged immediately. If this continues, the ship may sink, not to mention the heavy casualties!
He waved his hand and left quickly...

"Hey, mother, these cowards!"

Watch them go!

Only then did Xiao Zi stand beside Yun Feiyue, her eyes stained with deep disdain: "Brother Rui'er, remember, you must be vicious when dealing with such people!"


He nodded, but he showed a bitter smile: "But I don't have the slightest aura, otherwise..." His voice was also full of sobs when he said this!

As long as he has the slightest aura...

It won't be called trash to others!

As long as he can be normal!

It won't be called a monster to others!

"Rui'er, remember, no matter what you are, no matter what others say, you are you!" Jun Qianhuang stood on the deck, holding Yun Feiyue's waist with her fingers, and said lightly: "You also remember Stop, you are a man! How can you have no ambition if you have no aura? No backbone?"

(End of this chapter)

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