Fengqing Jiuzhong

Chapter 1049 Chapter 1069: Damn, what a change!

Chapter 1049 Chapter 1069: Damn, what a change!
"Yes, uncle!"

Hear it!

I saw him nodding his head, his eyes shining brightly: "Uncle, my parents also said that one cannot be without ambition or backbone!"

"Ah That's good!"

"Rail, come here!"

Yun Feiyue waved at him!
Seeing this, Wen Rui hesitated for a moment, walked over slowly, and stretched out his hand: "Auntie!"

"Hey, it's okay!"

Gently holding his wrist, he said after a while, "Your body is a little weak, pay attention to rest, Xiao Zi, take him to rest!" She nodded slightly and smiled lightly!
"Okay, mother!"

Nodding, Xiao Zi took Wen Rui down!
Seeing the two children go to the cabin like this, Jun Qianhuang said slowly: "What? But is there something wrong?"


Yun Feiyue shook her head slowly, and said softly: "I felt his pulse just now, but I can clearly feel that he doesn't have any aura in his body, and it doesn't look like he was sealed by someone. Could it be that he really has no aura? ?"

Yun Feiyue faintly felt that something was wrong in her heart!

But I can't figure out what's wrong!

Youyou said: "It's just that I clearly felt that his angry breath just now was very different!" Frowning, he tried hard to echo, that scene at that time!
Think here!

Yun Feiyue's heart trembled slightly!
She raised her eyes and stared closely at Jun Qianhuang: "Huang, I think you should have seen the situation at that time, right?" Frowning, there was something wrong in her heart!

Holding her shoulders with one hand, he said slowly: "His situation was very wrong at the time, but it's fine if he can't figure it out now, there is always a chance anyway!" Fingers rubbed the top of her head lightly: " Be good, take a break!"


Seeing this, Yun Feiyue certainly has too many doubts in her heart, so it's inconvenient to say more at this moment!
The night wind blew slowly, blowing waves, and the boat floated on the sea surface, making people drowsy. Leaning in Jun Qianhuang's arms, Yun Feiyue slightly closed her eyes!
His hands are hooked around his waist!

There was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth: "Huang!" She couldn't help but murmured softly: "Actually, floating like this on the sea seems pretty good!"


Holding Yun Feiyue's shoulders with one hand!

Jun Qianhuang turned her head to look at Yun Feiyue, who was lazy and refused to open her eyes, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Then if Madam likes it, I don't mind continuing to wander!" her shoulders!

Let her get closer to me!

Warmth flows between the two~
I don't know how long it took before Jun Qianhuang said: "Hurry up and sleep for a while, I always feel that it shouldn't be very quiet these days!"


Nodding her head, she leaned against Jun Qianhuang's side and moved a bit!
Make your body warmer!
At this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly came from the surface of the sea, Yun Feiyue suddenly opened her eyes, and saw Jun Qianhuang immediately supported her to stand up with both hands, shaking her head slightly!
Signal her to calm down!
Don't wait for what they say!
Immediately, there was a turbulent wave on the sea surface, and there was a strong breath in the air, but no trace of the monster could be felt!

As the monstrous waves surged, the ship began to shake violently.
happy birthday to me hehe

(End of this chapter)

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